Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, July 13, 2007

When Harry Met Nancy...


Scooba and I did indeed keep our date yesterday, and had the kitchen floor done by 1:00 PM, thanks to my being out and about early. I drove Bill to work in time for his early meeting, so I could drive in and PARK for the 5:00 retirement party without having to be on campus all day.

After dropping him off, I went on a Football quest-- our preferred brand of antioxident vitamins are only available at select stores we don't routinely frequent. (We call them Footballs because of their shape.) Victory! We're now stocked up for several months.

Also got bathrooms, towels and floors done yesterday, and today feather-dusted the house (blessing the world afterward, of course), which gave me a complete series of Blessings EXCEPT for the dangerous looking pile at my end of the coffee table. It is a data-slide waiting to happen.

Must confess I've not been able to plan next week's meals yet. Nothing in Leanne's weekly mailer inspired me, and I have a ton of stuff in fridge and freezer I know I need to use. Just need to sit myself down and make a list of what I have, then translate it into five days of meals. Oughta be easy, oughta be simple enough. Why is it so hard to actually DO?

Let the record show that I'm now up to the "G's" in my comics dup project.

Hope you continued progressing with your walking, Mom. And I'm sure you'll feel better after next week's haircut. I can't imagine you going that long-- and your hair that long! I continue to enjoy my shorter hair. So much easier to wash, and it poofs out enough to hide my elf-ears most of the time. The second a single strand touches my shoulders, I'm back to have Beth hack it back to my jawline again.

Understand about the second camera now. It's one of those things it's better to buy in person, so you can get a feel for it and what the viewfinder arrangement is like. If you end up not using the first one, maybe you can find a good home for it.

I continue enjoying the Melanie Hack book about the creation of Nancy Drew. I'm not finished yet (three chapters to go), but I recommend it Mom, because of the Ladora connection, and to Sandy in general. Not sure Marty got in on the book craze, and surely Julia missed it. Nancy Drew was not quite the Harry Potter of the olden days, but something close to it.

Which reminds me, enjoyed exchanging tweets with both Marty and Julia today! Makes me feel a bit less isolated from Family Central up there in faraway Wisconsin.

Time to get some shut-eye. This time of year, the nights are short. Grab ye sleep while ye may.


At 7:38 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

I've requested the Drew book from the library. Had a hard time finding it because I didn't have the Girl Sleuth part of the title. Should get it next week.


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