Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

15.VII.07 - MoM

I finally started on the rat's nest around my chair. I managed to get the tote box by my chair sorted through. Got rid of a lot of stuff but still the box looks full, and a stack of stuff, but at least both are neater. I am going to have to start doing the blog earlier. I guess I am not up to where I was, strength-wise. I had written this Saalfelden stuff yesterday.

I had trouble getting to sleep last night and was awake until about 1:30 a.m. The had the speakers at the dance turned this direction and I could here every word the on their PA system and the music was cranked up to vibrate the ear drums, so I was awake till 1:30. The fireworks are tonight but take place around 10.00 p.m.

I was quite surprised yesterday afternoon when Dave Wood appeared with a bowl of tuna salad. He (and they when they both come) always stay for a nice little visit. There was one of their friends that I had especially enjoyed seeing at their parties as we always had a lot to talk about. I may have mentioned that when I first talked with him again this last Easter he had seemed a little strange, almost like he had never met me. He was probably mid-70, but it turned out he had developed Alzheimer's. He was recently in the hospital having some surgery when he picked up an infection and died suddenly yesterday.

Glad to have the Hack book title. I am going to include it in my next Amazon order. I am very interested in the Ladora stuff. Of course, I don't remember my life there.

I guess I am going to give up and go to bed early tonight. We may be having storms tonight. I have gradually built up the supplies in my "shelter" so will wait for warnings before taking refuge.

* * * * *

20.I.87 -69,0 Kg Dienstag

Woke up about 4:39 after a pretty good night and got up after the 5 to 5.05 news. Finished a book I was rereading, meanwhile having on the 6 to 6.05 news with my tea and cookies, then the 7 to 7:20 a.m. news. Had a little of my headache in skull at ear level. Had a lot of problems with 3 fingers going to "sleep" frequently and having to be rubbed back to life several times. I was hoping that my head things wouldn't get worse so I could last till the Calif trip that DoD was talking about for April.

Well, we sat down and talked about some of the contingency plans and I found out that he does not want to do the States bit this spring as it would be very expensive for airfare, car rentals at both places (CA & WVA), etc., etc. I could not help tears of disappointment as I had been counting on getting this problem of my head checked out with perhaps a CAT scan and a good doctor who could speak English. He had not realized that it could be something worrisome and now will be putting pressure on me to go to a local doctor. I had been better for a while, but not happy to have it back again this morning, Had some double vision while watching TV last night, and again this morning while trying to read. (Today I think it was from too many tears still in my eyes). I was going to get the dentist appointment this morning, but I am too cracked up and can't stop crying. I was so looking forward to getting something going on the California house and looking forward to the trip. I had started the day with a ½ Valium and 2 Tylenol for the head, but then about 10 a.m., took a whole Valium. He figures it could cost $8 to 10,000 as well as losing time here that we would be paying expensive rent for. Also, we will have great expense to move things back from here, hopefully not before our lease runs out, then expenses to move things from WVA to Iowa. He even talks now about being able to keep WVA and Iowa and split our time until we are ready to decide on yet another retirement place we would like. Still keep thinking of Flagstaff, but need to check it out further.

Have lost interest in making curtains or further fixing up of the downstairs since we don't know for how long it would be but are pretty well decided that we hope to stay only until our lease runs out. (Even if the dollar improves, the hotel prices that have doubled will not go down so that takes much of the joy from traveling and makes it impractical.) May just settle for some area rugs that we could take with us. Do have the material for my office curtains which I may or may not make up now. Did solve one thing I had wanted to do. I had wanted drapes for the "guest sitting room" to shut out the daytime and street light so we could set up the slide projector in one place and not have to rearrange everything for sometimes just one set of slides. Since the guest bedroom does have some of the Frau's drapes, we arranged a table there so we can leave it in place all the time. Our main thing now is just to keep our health and enjoy the time we have left here. We still have no real crisis, but just some change of plans. Of course, there could be a miracle and the dollar might swing up -- but nothing points to the possibility of that happening. Besides, in another year I might be looking forward to moving back as I do like change from time to time. Wish there was someway we could take back the electrical things, too. Also, as we get older, it would be an impossible task for me to take on if anything happened to DoD.

Just could not seem to get interested in anything and even with the pills would have crying spells, so finally just read. Made my lunch out of popcorn and tangerines. So much for dieting. Napped with my head on my desk for a little then tried to take a nap in my chair, but that made the pains in my neck and head. Later in the day we began to talk of trying West Virginia again instead of trying to sell it and move to Iowa. Would have to put up with driving every place, bugs (perhaps with air conditioning we could keep them out), and perhaps could ask neighbors to pick up mail in winter, etc. Well, we have a year plus to decide. Iowa would be much expense to make comfortable and there is no resale there with depressed farm prices. Even in good times, prices are nothing there. I was looking forward to getting something going on it to get it out of Aunt Dottie's and our hair.

Made the macaroni, beef and canned tomato stuff using the large Spice Cookbook instead of cooking the macaroni first as in "Sponsler dinner." As I only was using 200 g of meat, I only made ½ the recipe and we finished it all. Tasted good. Called the tomatoes in it our vegetable. That's a lazy way out.


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