Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Joy List


Three, count 'em, three thunderstorms today, and just a few sprinkles to show for it. The first one caused a power blip sufficient to make my desktop machine reboot-- very annoying. I NEED to replace that UPS instead of just talking about it. Need a new scanner too.

Finished Girl Sleuth today-- sorry about the title/subtitle confusion, Sandy-- I'd mentioned the author and full title in earlier posts, but should now have assumed anyone remembered. Anyway, wonderful read, and has quite a nice ending. Mildred Wirt of Ladora was quite a character.

Was planning to get back to Rivendell tonight, but picked up another book I bought last week, written by a guy I know from the CAC at San Diego, where I presented. It's about superheroes, a topic that doesn't particularly interest me, but I was happy to see it at Borders, and wanted to support him by buying it. Surprise! It's really very interesting and very well written! I'm going to have to read it next, I'm afraid. It's Peter Coogan, The Secret Origins of the Superhero, for those keeping score at home.

Didn't get out to shop today, letting the rotten weather deter me. I found a swell Plan B in the freezer: Chicken Skillet Alfredo (using frozen stir fry veg and refrigerated store-bought Alfredo). Pretty good! I've done some work on the menus, but still have two that need nailing down.

Bill surprised the barmaid tonight by requesting an Old Fashioned. Fortunately, I'd just run across the Ur-recipe in Dad's handwriting (well, a xerox of it) a few days ago and knew right were it was. Even more fortunately, I had everything needed, even an ancient, unopened bottle of club soda. I do need some new sugar cubes, though; the box was covered with dust (on top of the fridge) and there are only a few rather ratty looking ones left. My "muddler" (a tiny wooden spoon that Williams Sonoma used to use as a decoration on their gift wrap) is showing some signs of wear also-- a notch is broken out of its tiny bowl. Still, the results are apparently still more than satisfactory.

How different life would have been, had you decided to take up residence in Iowa instead of RF, Mom. I'm sure you've thought about this many times.

Just now learned of the death of a friend-- not someone I was close to, but part of a loose circle of UF computer people. She was just 49, way too young by any standard. Another reminder: each day is precious. We all need to do something, anything, every day that brings us joy.

Here is my little Joy list:
  • Finished an online 5-star Sudoku same day it appeared, first time through.
  • Fixed a good dinner that everyone liked.
  • Finished a good book that made me smile at the end.
  • Made a complicated drink that reminded me of Dad's unique sense of humor.
  • Discovered that Pete's book is wonderful.
I'd call this a Good Day by any standard, despite the sadness. Sail On, Sue...


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