Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Long Nights of HP7


Brief, must get back to The Book of the Hour, although the hour has become late, and I am still on call for building Old Fashioneds. (New sugar cubes... new club soda... huzzah!)

I made it to B&N about 3:30. Walked in, there were stacks of HP7 by the door, 20% off. It seemed way too easy. Turns out, I made it harder than it had to be-- stopping at our local Publix to food shop on the way back, I walk in and... THEY have them for 25% off! D'oh!

Whatever, I've got mine. Read just a few dozen pages before it was time to fix dinner: Old Bay steamed shrimp (which I then peeled for Bill's eating pleasure), a clementine/ avocado salad (which morphed into a clementine /cuke salad when I realized my both my avocados were marginally guac quality, but certainly NOT sliced salad-worthy). Fresh sourdough bread, Sushi. Pretty good meal.

Was glad to see your short post last night, Mom, and more so to have your longer post tonight. Good of Kay to leave you with lots of fine meals for the future, and how nice that Chris was able to get your pictures back in business.

And now I must get back to HP-Land. I'm on page 102, with 600+ to go. I'm in a race against spoilers, of course. I figure I'll finish sometime Monday. One of my twitter pals has finished already! (He was there at midnight with his daughter, and seems to have read non-stop since then.) Another is over halfway done. We all are pledged to not spoil each other.

The hobbits will just have to languish at Sarn Gebir for awhile.


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