Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Can Haz Tribble Troubles


This one may be even quicker. Much of the day in front of the monitor, trying to catch up with Bloglines and other things that arrived via email and tweets. There's just no way to keep up, yet I can't help trying. And sometimes, the effort results in gems like LOL Trek I keep going back to this one, and loving it more each time.

Offline time spent getting the carpets swept and actually finishing a book I've been reading on for months: Dork Decade, a compilation of "Dork Tower," a very funny comic about pre-Net D&D gaming. Also started reading vol. 1 of Lucifer, a Sandman spin-off from Vertigo. It's actually pretty good. May not sound like much, but on a day like this, I call it a win.

Realized we hadn't had red meat in about a week, so thawed out a couple of Porterhouse steaks and broiled 'em. Had an aging cauliflower head in the fridge I'd thought to turn into a FC curry, but it needed too much rescue for that. Made it into cauli-rice instead. Peeled and sliced up 5 of the clementines and half of a European cuke, served with rice vinegar and olive oil. A nice simple salad.

Wouldn't ya know, as soon as I acquire a brand new bag of beautiful fresh limes, Bill shifts into Old Fashioned mode; I get to use my ratty sugar cubes and my barely viable lemons. I don't really mind, as making Old Fashioneds always conjures up Dad in a nice way. I wonder if any bartender in town even knows what they are anymore. Certainly, none of them make them with Dad's 20-step procedure!

Hope Chris and Kay have an uneventful trip to MSP. Although from everything I hear lately, routine flights become less likely all the time. I do remember that Chris used to have remarkable luck when it comes to airline matters. Hope that luck still holds.

Bed time = time for bed. Read a bit. Brush teeth. Get to bed by 1:30. Suh-weet!


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