Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Very excited about my new capability!

Hi! It's almost 8 p.m., and I hope I can stay awake long enough to write something before I fall asleep right here in my chair while drinking my drink. With my eyes closed who knows what is going to come from my fingers,

I continue to be amazed at how long Chris can sit (rocking) on the floor working on computers. He was able t get my Epson printer working again, then took on a project that was amazing to me. The little surprise I mentioned yesterday was getting our computers set up so I can transfer my seeming zillions of slides to my computer so I can print them!!!! I find it very exciting after the arm and a leg it cost to get those done just before we visited you, Suzy. I did a tray yesterday and one this afternoon. I have forgotten how many Chris did yesterday. Of course, they aren't labeled, but nice to have them available. I am totally amazed at the page of instructions that Chris whipped out for the program. Life would be so much easier if all of them were could be like that.

Margaret London just called as the nice woman that stays with Dot had told her about my hip -- I had called Dot last week. I had intended to call her this afternoon, but got too wrapped up in the "project"

and forgot, so just took time out to do it. Elizabeth has a new daughter to go with Thomas, and Annie has a baby girl on the way, too.

We ate well while Chris and Kay were here. I had the chicken thing casserole with artichoke hearts and Greek olives made and ready, the next night Chris grilled steaks on the little grill I had bought last year and hadn't used yet, and Kay made some excellent potatoes, that I need to have the recipe written out for me. Last night she made a huge amount of a Mexican recipe that I used to make a lot, but she did it without the recipe and her own additions. I actually had a good sized plate and seconds. She also put together the angel food, shaved chocolate and whipped cream dessert. I have several nights of food ready, now.

Sleep is beginning to catch up with me, lately just getting about 5 or so hours a night. We have been extremely lucky with comfortable weather during the past week, but the expect so really hot and steamy weather coming up soon. Will be good to have quiet and individual AC at The Willows.

I enjoyed hearing of your accomplishments, Suzy. I am amazed and think it is super. I did clear out the messy tote box and got a few things from it put away yesterday. Looking forward to to when I can jump in again. I have been emptying the DW and a little picking u[;

Keep falling asleep. I am going to live dangerously again and not proof this even tho some of it has been typed after I would fall asleep!


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