Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Glad to have AC later in the day.

24.VII.07 - MoM

I have barely started getting my things together for our little mini-vacation -- just a couple of piles and my list. I should have shut off my computer when not in use today -- it is so hot that it is almost burning my wrists where they rest n it. I just turned on the AC again. I hope it cools down enough so I can shut it off and open the doors when I get ready to go to bed.

I didn't get the pictures printed that I wanted to send Aunt Dottie for her birthday on Tuesday. Guess I'll send some flowers. She loves them but I expect she will be inundated. Then, I'll send the picts later.

Just had some time out to research some stuff for Charlie. Julia has a French exchange student visiting. Sandy brought them by on their way for an overnight at the "Farm." Charlie remembered a TV program I used to watch in France every morning. (I was watching it when they visited us there in 1998.)

It was a sort of Today Show from 6:30 to 8:30 every morning during our time there in the 90s that I had to watch. It was in French, of course, but I loved the host. His facial expressions were a delight. I thought I had some copies with clues for names from the internet when we first came back, so I said I would look for them but didn't hold much hope. However, in a 3" thick file folder, I found one page that had a pict and name, the name of the show and a short biog. That gave them a clue to go on the net further.

I didn't get as much packing, etc., done as I would have liked to. My leg hurt yesterday, started out better this morning, but was quite uncomfortable later in the day. Hope my leg is better tomorrow

Ate some of the tamale pie left over that Kay had made. We also will be having it for a meal down there as we froze some.

Don't know if I'll be able to send from there. If not, should be sending again on Saturday or Sunday.


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