Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Still another quickie

23.VII.07 -

It is mid-afternoon and Chris just called. I guess they had some free time in Minneapolis, and in Spring Valley at Cady Cheese. They wanted to know if I would like to go out to eat with them. I never pass up a meal in a restaurant. I will probably be too tired to write by the time we get back here.

Well, I am back here and not too tired*. They are on their way back to their hotel. It was a nice time, but the food has really gone downhill at West Wind. Very weird mixtures. I was surprised that I had no trouble maneuvering the salad bar. For a while they had a good chef but he left to go to the Spring Valley Restaurant at the golf course.

Chris was able to get it thru my thick head the step I was missing to transfer the slides to iPhoto.

Today I did my general packing list for our mini-vacation. Using the walker will make me even slowing when it comes to packing. I don't take all that many clothes, but do like to have lots of strange things that I don't get around to using.

I guess you are finished with "THE BOOK." Were you happy or unhappy with the ending?

* I was more tired that I thought. I didn't get in any nap time at all today and got up about 5 this morning. I am going to get an early start for bed. I always say that but never seem to make it. Maybe tonight will be different.


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