Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

HP7, Part II


Page 284, only a little over 1/3 of the way in. Seemed like I hardly had any time to read today. Two more of my Twits have finished it. Poor Julia, has to wait for Marty to finish! I'm thankful that Bill is several volumes behind and so is not breathing down my neck! I do wish I'd gone back and re-read the last one, though. This one is not as forgiving about re-explaining everything. I guess she assumes if you've come this far, you KNOW what's what. Alas, some details have fallen out of the RAM cache.

Slept way late (after being up way late). Changed and laundered sheets, all the usual Sunday routines.

Fixed a pretty nice dinner, chicken topped with sliced large portabello caps in a rosemary cream sauce. Spanish cauli-rice and a simple salad.

Kitchen is in reasonably good shape, a few items need washing. Playing barmaid, yet again with the Old Fashioneds. The first one is a bitch, getting out all the stuff and tools. Subsequent iterations are a breeze. Cleaning up, bit of a bitch, of course.

Back to it!


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