Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

So THIS Century


Thanks for the tiny news post, Sandy. I'm glad to know that the Lake City Pilgrimage has started successfully. I'm assuming that either it's so primitive there that there's no network, let alone wireless. Or else, that a vacation from what we used to call The Wire is welcome for all concerned.

I finished the reread of HP1 tonight. I also rounded up my DVD's of the first four. The first two are still shrink-wrapped because I actually saw them on their respective opening days complete with expensive popcorn. (Thanks, Cynthia!) The second two have been opened, because that's how I saw them originally-- at home, on our awesome 26" TV.

Phoenix is still in theaters, I could still see it there, but ya know... the thrill is gone-- it's just so last century. Not really; if there were some way to have the 20th century popcorn experience with its gigantic screens and truly immersive experience, I'd be there, but the mini-plex just doesn't do it for me. Give me a DVD and headphones any day.

Back in RL: Got up in plenty of time to go in the the Libe with Bill, but realized I wasn't ready to crank up the speed to make it happen. I hadn't mentally prepared the night before, with the laying out of the clothes, etc, so I gophered him off instead. Made the most of the early morning by doing the carpets and dusting, and getting the towels done.

Dinner plan was an apple arugula salad, which I made (very nice, with a maple/ poppy seed dressing), but decided wasn't going to be enough. Found three skinless boneless chicken thighs in the freezer, and had stuff to make the FC #87 "Grilled Five-Spice Chicken Thighs with Soy-Vinegar Sauce & Cilantro" (p. 31). Did this on my grill pan. Yum! Only problem was, only three of them. Even the cat liked it. Need to do this one again, with more chicken.

If I just stop typing now, I can get to bed close to 2:00. Knowing the kitchen, it's counters and sink, are clean, and that Scooba is plugged in and feasting on the power grid for his 16-hour slow charge.


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