Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Rained Out


Rain! Finally this afternoon the skies darkened, the thunder boomed and... the skies opened. It rained and rained and rained for several hours. Glorious! At 6:00 it was so dark it was as if we'd suddenly been transported into early November.

I was moving slowly, very slowly, toward going out to shop, but the rain discouraged that. Which left me with a mealtime quandary. For some reason, this week we ran out of everything: all kinds of bread, fruit, tomatoes, salad greens, etc. The fridge is practically bare-- a good thing organizationally, but not so good for trying to pull a meal together out of nothing. I'd already used up all my back-up plans during the week, and we were even out of eggs-- that NEVER happens. I was planning to use the half+ spaghetti squash with a FC uncooked tomato sauce, but of course that requires fresh tomatoes. I ended up making a very simple clam sauce ( garlic briefly cooked in olive oil, 2 cans clams, a little white wine, some red pepper flakes and a handful of parsley) tossed with the squash, and it was amazingly quite good. I found one viable Roma tomato and one cuke, which I sliced thin and made into a very simple salad with rice vinegar. Sometimes I amaze myself with what I can dream up at the last minute to avoid having to send out for pizza.

Other than that, a quiet day. I always feel tired the day after spending any time at all working in the Lib. I read more of JPod, and struggled with today's 5* Sudoku in the Houston Chronicle.

And listened to it rain, accompanied by a loud glee club of happy frogs, and a somewhat quieter one of happy trees and shrubs drinking their fill. Very sweet music indeed.

The kitchen is clean, except for the Old Fashioned clutter (the bar is still open). Bill is deep in an "instance" of WoW with some of his guildies, and has now made his first drink last over two hours.

Wondering how the family dinner at Sandy's went. Someone send me a tweet!

Lucky Sandy and Julia, they have HP7 still ahead of them. I'm hoping to find time tomorrow to watch the first movie, having finished re-reading HP1. After that, I'll listen to HP1 before beginning the re-read of HP2. This strategy out to stretch out the experience to ridiculous lengths. A good thing. :-)

ComicCon is going on in San Diego. I'm 25% sad to be missing the "Geek's Prom," but 75% relieved to not have to endure the chaos and sheer insanity of the thing being half again as large than the one we were overwhelmed by three years ago. Many people I admire are there this year, but I know my chances of actually seeing any of them were less than nil.

Finally, the call for the second drink.


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