Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Back to same ole same ole one of these days.

29.VII.07 - MoM,

Chris and Kay got off this morning within the time period that Chris had hoped for so guess they have made it home. He is hoping he can get their seat assignments changed -- they have seats on the aisle across from each other. With all the cancelled flights, they volunteered for being bumped from the planned flight for the perks offered on their flight here. Seems to be a popular thing to do these days.

As I said before, I am so glad that I thought of "The Willows" especially with the period of very hot weather. It worked out great that we each were able to choose our own temperature. The separate quarters are good, too, for individual bed and arising times. It was great that they could watch a "movie," while I had my own 2 TVs for my news shows.
I did miss MSNBC, however, but made do with CNN.

The beautiful temp, a period without the usual mosquitoes and the eagle and beaver nest builder show really capped off the visit and something we will never forget.

We got away from Lake City right at check out time, as I had hoped, so we had the afternoon for their packing. I emptied my suitcase, but left the stuff scattered for putting away after they were gone. (Tired today, Dr. appt tomorrow so will waith till Tuesday.) We were due at Sandy's at 5 p.m., and can you believe we made it, driving in the driveway immediately behind Nate, Marty and Ben.

I haven't been able to find the manual for my sewing machine. Sandy and I had both tried to guide the thread thru the necessary arrangement to the needle. Kay had told me some time ago that she was sure she could do it and wanted to take it on. After a little while, she decided she was going to need the manual that I have searched for all over. After she had tried to find it, she went back to try again. I lost track of the time but it was over an hour. Well, she persevered and managed to do it! She had worked for a while sewing pockets on clothes in a factory. I want to take my worn winter wool slacks apart and try to re-sew the seams deeper in the crotch to get rid of bad spots. And, I still have some Stretch and Sew slacks material to make up and I need them as my older ones complety wear out. (I hate to even wear them around the house in case I would hate to wearing them if I had to be taken to the hospital. I talked the nurse in Alameda out of cutting off one of my remaining roon pair. I was wearing a dress the last time and didn't mind having her cut off my underpants.

While Kay was working on the machine, Kathy and Dot called me for her birthday tomorrow. Kathy said that I had done all the calling so they decided to do it, this time. With Dot on a 2nd line, I talked for at least an hour. Dot absolutely loves it (as does Barb) and doesn't want me to stop. I slanted it toward "Infant" with details about her (limited) dating in high school, things in Iowa, etc. Barb has a good memory and can pass it on to the others. They loved the aftermath of Dot and Don's return from their marriage in Reno when they went by Don's family's place in Sacramento for a breakfast. You may remember that Dot could not eat out with a date without getting an upset stomach. It happened as usual she had to excuse herself to throw up and they all wondered if she was pregnant. Barb hadn't heard that before and Dot got a kick out of it. Don was on a short leave (one week) so didn't have time to wait the required time to get a license to marry in CA. before duty in Alaska. They had to borrow Pa and Dan's car.

I hadn't known before that the Mexican clay figures on my credenza were purchased in Mexico City on their honeymoon before they moved to Corpus Christi for duty. You can't imagine how I envied her being able to live somewhere besides California. I had also considered her lucky to live in Madison, later. However, I never could have managed to exist in their tiny flat there. Tomorrow is her 88th!

We enjoyed our time at Sandy and Charlie's. My "wheels" worked well on the uneven grass around the side of the house to the back deck. There are only two uneven stone "steps." With Chris and Charlie each steadying me on an arm it was easy. It was also not problem to go down the regular steps on the way out. Won't be long before I won't need support. This past week I have made some excellent progress. Once in a while I forget that I need the walker, from time to time, but only for a step or two.

The dinner was excellent (of course) with "chopped" roast pork sandwiches, potato salad, cole slaw and other goodies. We were able to eat very good watermelon on the back deck without any bug distractions.

Ben was in fine fettle sporting a voluminous black cape running all around the place. He has his own little world full of lots of stuff that he seems to have added to with things he has memorized from DVD's.

When I went to bed at mid-night last night, I was cold (I sleep only under your little "Blue") so I decided to put on the gas fireplace for a little bit. I woke up plenty warm a couple of hours later. It wasn't all that cold outside so I opened the doors and slept well until about 6 a.m.

Suzy, I hope your lack of communication is nor something physical but perhaps due to total immersion in some book or other. Look forward to hearing from you again!

When talking with Sandy, tonight, she didn't have my dermatology appointment in Woodbury at 9:30 tomorrow on her calendar, but she had my appointment on Wednesday in Stillwater with my surgeon from my hip on Wednesday that I didn't have.

8:00 p.m. Chris just called and they are still in Minneapolis. Northwest cancelled their flight after long waits on the plane. The airline is putting them up in a Day's Inn and springing $13.00 each for dinner. Big deal! They didn't get back their checked luggage. A warning for flying now days -- be sure to have some overnight necessities in one's carry on! They had laid off a lot of pilots and the current ones are refusing to work so many extra hours. They have the record for the most cancelled flights. We did anything we could to avoid flying them during the 1990's.


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