Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Making a start on my mess!

31.VII.09 - MoM

I haven't looked up what I wrote about the Dot telephone notation, but I think I remember typing Kathy but you are correct, it was Barb.

So far, I like my new mini telephone. My biggest problem is its tiny size. It is only 2" x 3 ¾" and I am having to train myself to keep it where I keep the TV control and pens and pencils. I lost it several times earlier in the day in the chaos around my chair. I began a serious campaign to get rid of the catchall tote box and the various piles around my chair. I must make some order out of the tables on either side of my chair, too. One side has 3 printers (my big Epson, the little Cannon and the HP Photo printer). It is large, low, and square, so Sandy put one of the old Kodak slide projectors on it to make it easier to lift my laptop to my lap. Whatever space not in use that minute immediately adds to pile of stuff. The lamp table on the other side is constantly full of an unbelievably amazing collection of small things. It has become even worse since the breaks as saves my having to get up every little bit to hobble around to get things I need.

Today, I did the washing and put it away, put away the stuff that had collected in the front bathroom from unpacking my suitcase but waiting to put it away until Chris and Kay were out of my "suite." Then, I put away about half of the stuff in the tote box by my chair in the living room. It was done in small bursts, with naps in between. Tomorrow morning I have an appointment with the surgeon in Stillwater, so have to be ready to go by 8:30 a.m.

Last night I FINALLY spent the entire night in my bed. I was able to do it a couple of nights in Lake City. I hope by taking some mini pillows to bed with me, I nay be able to use them to make my legs comfortable to be able to sleep on my side. I am not I don't seem to do well sleeping all night on my back.

I am trying to take back my kitchen from the carpenter ants! They eat up the poison sticky syrup as fast as I put it out. Charlie says that they take it back to their nest. They stagger drunkenly back to somewhere. He also says that they nest where it is damp. If they don't give up soon, we will have to put on a serious search.

Somehow, after a larger dinner than usual (potato salad, cole slaw, chopped pork (left from Sandy's dinner) and a big bowl of strawberry daiquiri sorbet) my gin doesn’t seem quite so inviting. I ate a lot more than I usually do. Will continue to sip on it, however.

Just realized I haven't played Freecell all day!


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