Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Bless This House and Garden


Today I Blessed the house, including the coffee table stack and with special attention to the TV room, being this week's Zone. Good Suze.

Also feeling good that I got the newspapers and catalogs recycled (hadn't been done in about 6 weeks), and a huge bag of stuff from the great room into the trash. This latter possible because they came much later than usual to pick it up.

Starting to work out a general outline for the day, in one hour blocks, kind of a one hour of work kinds of stuff, one hour relaxing, including an actual lunch hour. It seems to work pretty well.

Will be messed up tomorrow, as I have a dentist appt to replace two ancient fillings. The plan is to stop by Fresh Market on the way back. Been an age since I was there.

Finished the HP1 movie tonight. The DVD player is still acting up, but fortunately it didn't happen until the credits. Bill said it skipped around some when he was playing his latest Balkan nightmare music CD. We will have to get a new one.

Gonna go read some more JPod.

But first, some images of a family gathering. Here's Sandy's kitchen
and some humongo veggies from her garden, plus a group shot missing two important people: Julia and me!!


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