Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Visibility Cloak


I'm here!! I Blog, so I Exist! Suggest the refresh button on your browser, Mom, to bring you up to date on my thrilling daily activities.

Ack-- Chris and Kay are having what seems to be the default airline experience these days-- cancelled flights. They are very lucky, though, that they were allowed to get off the plane, and stay in a motel. Have heard more than a few horror stories of people trapped for many hours in planes and/or airports. I have declared a moritorium on flying except for emergencies until they get this worked out.

Shopped. Bill went along and picked up a ridiculously smart keyboard at Best Buy. I completed my Northern Exposure collection (yay!) and picked up The Queen, a picture I've been wanting to see.

The Grilled Island Pork Salad was rather nice-- but the sushi, edamame and squid salad we picked up to go with proved overkill. Either would have a more than complete meal.

Happy birthday, Aunt Dotty, whever you are. Mom was it Kathy or Barbara that helped with the phone call? Or were they both there?

Was happy to see Bill was doing a load of his big whites tonight-- perfect excuse to park myself in front of the tube and watch the HP1 movie. I'm just about half way through. What fun to see them all as such cute little kids! Cute little kids who can't act their way out of a paper bag, of course, but all is forgiven because they're so earnest, and because the movie tries so very hard to capture all the wonder of Hogwarts. (The kids get better, as does the movie-making, as the series moves along.) I watched a little over half-- up to the Xmas gift of the invisibility cloak-- and will do the rest tomorrow.

Very glad to hear that Sandy's family meal extravaganza went off well-- wish I coulda been there, and I know Julia does too. Sandy sent me some nice images. I'd be glad to post them, unless she has plans to do so.

Hey, it's only 1:30 here-- maybe I can haz bedtime before 2? last few nights > 3.

Sounds like a Tweet to me. The plan is: post it, then crash.


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