Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, August 03, 2007

3.Viii.07 - MoM

Well, I finally got your anniversary check ready to mail tomorrow, Suzy. I don't know why it takes me so long to do anything. I can't just buy a card, sign it, address it, stick in an already written check, seal and mail it. I managed to make a career out of it, today. I won't go into the gory details but a lot of little things took a good part of the day. But, at least, it is finished! I have to admit, it is something I enjoy doing!

I slept in my chair again last night and slept quite well and later than usual so got a late start. I was quite sleepy mid-day, but managed to work through it. I didn't have to put on the AC till late afternoon and will be able to turn it off soon. My leg was a little better today. And, an Advil improved that, too. Have to remember to do it from time to time. When I was working in the kitchen without my walker, I realized I am putting quite a good deal of "weight" on it, something the doctor said was okay.

I was thinking today how little I saw of the family, especially Pa and Dan when I was working the 48 hours a week, with Wednesday my day off. I remember that they frequently had you kids and DoD over there on Sundays for dinner.. I was really not much of a mother during that time.

Time out to eat some of the leftover stuff in the fridge. When and if I ever get so I can get around better, I must try to get interested in cooking again. I had the mashed potatoes and the big pile of green beans from last Monday in Woodbury. I chopped up some of a sweet onion on both, loaded them with butter and put them in the mikro. Afterward, I sprinkled the beans with a little garlic vinegar from a hoarded last jar of Spice Islands. Both vegs were quite good. I also had a little of the chicken. I forgot that the disposal was giving me trouble and I turned it on -- it was okay. I am going to wait till tomorrow to try it with food.

* * * * *

I think this where I left off. It really doesn't matter much as I keep going over the s.o.s. almost every day. Hope this gets more interesting one of these days.

24.I.87 69.0 Kg Samstag

Had a minus 69 that I was tempted to call a 68.5+. Not a bad night but did have various aches around my head, even had a mild halo headache. Toward morning the neck pains were not so good, but writing that off to arthritis. I waited till 6 to get up. Temperatures around 32 F (0 C) most of night so I had a window open. We had a little light snow last night but mixed with a little rain in the morning.

Finished the letter to Hiram Farrar of congratulation for his marriage. [Two other nice wives had died.] Also, did a rough draft to be cut to Bill and May about her ankle. In the afternoon I remade the cuffs on DoD's favorite Pendleton shirt that he had inherited from Pa. The cuffs were frayed back about a half inch so had to work them over. Then, since I had washed the shirt as I thought it was going to be almost unfixable, I pressed it nicely and it looks great. Decided since I have no chance to get out to get a present since DoD is with me most of the time when I am out due to the ice, etc., that I would surprise him with this. It has been put away to work on for months. He was watching skiing, tennis and anything else he could find so did not see me working on it. Took all afternoon.

I had understood that Frau Eder was telling me that Susie and a married couple were to come for the weekend and that her husband would not be here. Instead, her husband, son by first marriage and another kid arrived. Don't see any sign of "a married couple that was going to sleep in the little bedroom." [DoD's former little office.] I am never sure that I understand her correctly, but then, of course Frau M. does not always know herself what her kids are going to do.

Tried making the baked chicken that needs concentrated cream soup by using a fancy ready to pour from the can chicken cream soup. It was okay, but far from being the same to my thinking. Also, had to substitute what I think was Swiss cheese from the freezer for the cheddar. DoD liked it so guess that is what counts. Never was my favorite chicken dish. Microed the potatoes and used the rest of the mixed veggies package.

Had not had neck or headache problems until just before bedtime. Took a Tylenol ^ codeine at bedtime and decided since my head was hurting while on my left side I might try sleeping a short time (used the minute minder) on my right side. Woke up after 20 minutes and the pain was better, due no doubt to the codeine starting to take hold.


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