Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Just another day.

2.VIII.07 - MoM

Welcome to the club -- I have been getting a kick out of living almost within shouting distance and I get more info about "the Marty's" from you comments from their "Tweets." However, knowing the time spent commuting, cooking, Ben's evening routines, etc., -- I'm just glad I don't have to try to do it. I haven't heard if yesterday's bridge collapse is going to make any difference in her commute.

It was back to the chair last night for sleep and had a good night. The verdict is mixed about that by the therapists. From my previous hip, when my hip was healed enough to sleep on my side, I had no problem sleeping again in my bed. This one is a little slower healing, so it may be a little longer before I try the bed again. Thank goodness, my other problem cleared up about mid-morning. I seemed to have had something small in my eye that made it hard to keep the eye open or to read. I did a lot of nose blowing, etc., and eventually, mid-morning it went away.

I am beginning to believe that it is carpal tunnel syndrome that is numbing my right hand when I use the computer a lot. I am limiting my Freecell these days -- a good thing as it is such a time waster. The numbness does make lots of time spent at the computer less attractive.

I have a pedometer that I used for a while. In summer it is a problem for me to use as I am beltless -- wearing dresses. I guess I could hook it to my "briefs." I seem to remember it was not working correctly when I quit.

I could empathize with your early dental experiences. How those dental students at U of IA, in Iowa City, used to hate see me coming. Dot was having her teeth straightened, but mine were just fillings. We would leave Birmingham at the crack of dawn, with empty stomachs. If it was winter the windows would be shut and Pa would light up at cigar. When we got to Iowa City we would go to a cafeteria and have to have cereal. I have never forgotten the constant, "Stop gawking and eat! Our local "family" (Charlie, Sandy, DoD and I) has a slogan of something like, "We Cater to Cowards." He loved to pull teeth and I only have 5 left.

When I was pregie with you, Suzy, I went to a new dentist and he redid every filling I had, with no pain killer. We paid him $5.00 per month for what seemed forever.

I like my new phone. I haven't had time to explore all its possibilities. There are only 3 places that I keep it so I haven't had a problem of losing it yet. Mostly it is by my chair for my nightly call from Sandy. Thea heard me well when I made my weekly call last Saturday.

I had to have the AC on from noon till 6 p.m., or so. I will again have the patio door open and probably sleep in my chair without "your" blue throw until it gets a little cool toward morning.

My chore for today was sorting and cutting down the stuff in my two file folders that I keep in my OIB. I also wrote the usual 3 checks I write at the first of the month. I saw your anniversary check on my desk today and experienced a severe feeling of guilt. I am now vowing to mail it tomorrow!!! I have been waiting until I was able to create a special flower card I have been thinking about. How crazy! You are on tomorrow's to-do list!

My eyes are drooping and sleep is creeping up fast!


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