Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Telephone Day

4.VIII.07 - MoM

We had a cool (66°F) cloudy day with 2/10s of an inch of sprinkles. We need so much more. Missed the weather on TV tonight, nothing much on the computer stuff coming up in the next few days. From what I have heard, you are getting pounded in Florida and a lot, too fast.

I did a little stint copying slides, wanting to do it again so I don't forget. Chris' instructions are excellent. However, I don't know where they are stored and how to access them. I also did a little sorting of junk on one side of my chair, but there is so much more to do.

That big callous like thing of my cheek that the surgeon removed last week continues to ooze at a great rate. Hope it decides to start to heal one of these days. I have an additional reason for not sleeping in my bed for a little while -- I won't be able to turn over in my sleep and mess up the big bandage on my messed up face when I am in my chair.

I was going to call Margaret Campbell today about a proposed visit at her place, but she called me first. She wanted to let me know that our cousin Elizabeth had fallen a few weeks ago and broke her hip. I had had on my today's list of things to do a call to her also. Of course, I called her at once. She was so grateful telling me several times that I had given her a real lift and a lot of hope having been and currently going thru it. I don't think that her surgery was quite as involved as mine as George was able to drive her to Fairfield sitting in his car to the hospital where they "set it" as she said. She is using a walker, like my first one, and isn't allowed to to any cooking. She is alone during the day, but George takes care of the cooking and is sleeping there. His wife works, but I would imagine that she sleeps there, too. Elizabeth's 96th birthday is the 17th of this month.

After hearing from Barb Harding last week how much Dot enjoys my calls I decided I was going try to call each week. I forgot about it until a few minutes before my chicken pie was done. I decided it would stay warm enough for a quick call. It was also getting toward time for her evening dinner in their dining room. She was very happy that I called.

I was a little disappointed when I called Thea on my new little phone. She had a heck of a time trying to hear me consistently. I am going to have to find out exactly how to hold it in the "spot" that works for her. I didn't have any problem with my calls to Margaret and Elizabeth.

* * * * *

Even tho I am sleepy, it is still early so I'll copy another "diary" notation.

25.I.87 69.5+ Sonntag

Had a not bad night - woke up a lot, had the radio on a lot, but was not awake long. Should have opened both windows as it got too warm even with just one comforter. The temp outside stayed between 30-33 F. Did remember last night to get the flour sifted with dry stuff ready for DoD's waffles this morning. Did 3 loads of washing. A good drying room for hanging, but won't be bad to have a dryer again in our future. Do love hanging them outside here with the views of the mountains on all sides.

Worked a little more on the letter to Bill and May, then tried one to Sandy telling her of the roller coaster we have been on for future plans. Will let it set a bit and cut it some. In the afternoon, I put the hem back in the "new" slacks Glenn had bought at Penny's last summer and barely wore before he pulled the wrong thread. Will save these to present to him on his birthday.

Back of neck and head started giving me problems after lunch so took a couple of plain Tylenols then a whole Valium. That made me sleepy so took a rather long nap in my chair while DoD watched skiing and some football. My neck still hurt when I got up, but was better later. Reheated chicken in Mikro, boiled potatoes and salad. Read in bed till about 22.00.



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