Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Nice to see a little progress

5.VIII.07 - MoM

Got off to an early start this morning. The Sunday paper arrived at 5 a.m., just as I got out of my "sleep chair." I had gone to bed rather late again last night, but had slept well. Did fall asleep a couple of times around noontime, so gave in and had a couple of good naps.

Sandy and Charlie dropped by between them. They had been to Ace Hardware and brought me a cone of their free popcorn. Now that I no longer have to diet, I enjoyed it, dipping each kernel in butter. They got me some of the sticky traps that catch crickets and even an occasional mouse. My old ones were almost solid with bodies. The season seems to have begun. I have already disposed of two huge ones this week. I dropped a heavy magazine on the one in the bathroom. Yesterday, on the living room carpet in front of my chair, I "took a shoe and cracked it in two." They also brought me ant traps for the weensy ants that I see occasionally. Only saw one a good distance away from the trap today, but Kay saw a lot of them and she spent a lot more time out there than I have. I didn't see a single giant ant today so maybe they did get the poison back to the nests. Will keep some out there for a little while longer.

This afternoon I worked on one of the little messy stack of paper stuff near my chair. I now have a small neat box to hold all the "manuals" for the printers, new cameras, the new radio and tiny telephone, all of which I need from time to time.

While my garbage disposal is functioning enough to handle a purge of the out of date stuff that has collected in my fridge, I took full advantage of it. It doesn't sound up to its old self, but seemed to do the job. Charlie will be in town tomorrow so will be putting out the garbage for Tuesday's pick up. I need it this week as it didn't get dumped last week.

While I was working in the kitchen this afternoon, I got by without my walker, using the counters and chopping block again for minimum support, sometimes taking an occasional step ot two alone. Taking an Advil with my morning and evening pills seem to be helping. I think it helps me sleep, too. Even when I use the walker, I am sometimes putting full weight on my legs. Last week, the doctor seemed to be encouraging me to do it.

It was a good feeling to have made even a little progress on the mess around my chair and the Fridge was major. I'll be ready for bed for sure tonight! It is only 5 p.m., and I could be asleep in a minute.

Crazy weather. Didn't need the AC at all today. I didn't even open up the house till about noon, today. Had just a little rain last night but better than nothing.

* * * * *

More of the daily notes from our 4 years in Saalfelden, Austria

28.I.87 69.5 Kg Montag

Crazy night because DoD got up at mid-night to watch the Super Bowl. I had my radio on and listened a little and slept a lot, but was not a comfortable night with neck and head pain. Woke up a lot after it was over, too. Didn't get up till 6 and still have not gone back to the cleaning bit. Really need to as it helps with the weight.

Did not get much time at Apple as DoD had things to finish. Did the bed linen ironing. The new ironing board is a joy. [Many people -- including Frau Eder -- do not use ironing boards. They prefer a flat top of a chest or a table with a heavy folded blanket for an ironing surface. I brought the ironing board there and still use it.] Started to mount our latest roll of slides in the afternoon.

In the morning I made Tamale Pie from the little old booklet that Diane Matusks gave me so many years ago. Have a hard time not stuffing on it before it even goes in the oven. It was a standy during out Alexandria days. Somehow, it is small enough that I keep losing it. Suzy has a copy of the tamale pie recipe, but must get it down somewhere as who knows when it will get lost in the shuffle again. Made it in the morning. It really tasted good again. [It is still a standby with Chris and Kay and she made a double batch when she was here this time. We had it during their first visit and froze half and took it Lake City for another meal there.]


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