Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Looking forward to next week!

7.VIII.07 - MoM

I woke up about 2 a.m, and since my computer is beside me, I checked my blog and there was one from you with the great news that you are headed this direction. I am delighted that I (we) will be having a visit from you two. It didn't take long to get some plans underway with e-mail and phone between Sandy and I.

From a call with Kay last Friday or Saturday that Chris was having some problems after a bladder "procedure" last week. I called today when I could not find the garage door opener we had used last week in the drawer where I usually kept it. (It was in the adjoining drawer.) It turned out that Chris had gone to the hospital last Sunday and was still there. He has a bladder infection with frequent high fever and horrendous headaches. She had stayed there round the clock till this afternoon. The room has a sofa bed, etc. Chris had stayed in her room during her recent back surgery.

They have been trying all kinds of antibiotics and pain medicine and I guess he is out of it part of it. Kay said it was okay to call him. I was lucky as he was in a period with his fever down and no pain. Hopefully, they may have found medicines that is helping the infection and the headache and he might be out of the woods. However, he has had these ups and downs during the past few days.

With several hours on the phone with Kay this afternoon, I am tired tonight. To add to the now daily food routine, instead of chicken pie tonight, I had Aunt Jemima pancakes and sausage for dinner. Probably not the best things, but it was filling. I am going to make a real effort to go to bed early. I did sleep in this morning until 6:45 -- late for me.

Too tired to proof. Looking forward to your visit!!!


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