Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Wrong Time Zone


How did it get so late? Still an artifact of losing that hour on the way back east? Late to bed, late to rise, makes me sickly, poor, and clueless. In theory.

Spent so long laboring over the weekly menu plan that there was no time to shop for it. I found a meal from some blade lamb chops in the freezer, 3/4 of an English cuke (sliced and simply dressed with rice vinegar) and some sliced baby bellas done as Bill loves them: with bacon, chopped sun dried tomatoes, garlic, a bit of cream and some shredded parmesan.

That reminds me. You asked about my take on the Graham cucumber thing, Mom. It's kind of hit or miss, I'm afraid, and lately I seem to miss more often than hit. I peel and slice them. I salt each layer as I go. I barely cover them in water, then taste the resulting brine, adding more salt if it seems weak, more water if it seems too salty. I let them stand about 30 minutes, unless I'm in a hurry. Then I pour off about half the water, and add vinegar until it tastes right. Serve, or put in the fridge until time to eat. If I'm doing onions with them, I add them at the same time I add the vinegar. As you can see, this has never been a scientific recipe! I'm glad to know you think I used to get it right out at Chris's, but I'm sure it was just dumb luck and good cukes!

The planned trip to celebrate the Gay 90's Cousins sounds like a lark. Look forward to blogs about it.

I looked up your latest toy on Amazon. It does look like fun! Let us know how you like it.

I'm back to reading LoTR again-- just into The Two Towers (aka, Book 3 in the single volume edition). Pippin and Merry are with Treebeard, a nice place to leave them overnight. Hope that's what guides my dreams tonight.

Know I have other things to relate, but brain has shut down.


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