Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Whole Grain Mustard


Fairly typical Sunday: change the sheets, Finalize shopping list, shop. Bill went with me, which always makes it more interesting. Also nice to have someone who can reach the higher shelves and do the heavy lifting.

He had mentioned at some point liking the main dish salads I sometimes make. Today I asked which ones he liked, and the first one he mentioned was pork. I canceled the chicken dish I had planned to tonight, and pulled out half a pork tenderloin from the freezer. Found a recipe from the EdC compilation, Great Food Fast, that called for pan roasting (did it in the little red LeC) and a simple mustard sour cream sauce. The latter wanted "whole grain" mustard. Couldn't find any of that, but my friend the Net told me what's in it. I bought some organic stone ground and added some mustard seed, toasted coriander seed and green pepper corns mashed up in the mortar. It did the job. I created a salad on the spot with the leftover cukes diced, tangelo pieces, bag lettuce, olive oil and the remaining rice vinegar from the cukes. Not bad. Sushi and fresh sunflower seed bread.

Bill again picked strawberries for round three of panna cotta --this time we had the ones in the ramekins, about twice the size of the others. Only two more of the smaller dishes left.

Mom, I put the words "grocery list organizer" into Amazon, and up it popped. I'll be interested in if and how you use it.

Bill has to go back to work tomorrow after two weeks off. Much gloom. Feeling glad that I don't have to do that, but trying hard not to rub it in.

Back to Middle Earth. [Spoiler Alert]: Gandalf has returned! :-)


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