Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A real storm last night!

28.VIII.07 - MoM

It was quite a night. They finally began to forecast the storms for 3 a.m. I got my little shelter room at the ready, then about 11:30 I decided to try my bed again as with the door open by my bed, the temp was so great. I actually went to sleep but woke up a couple of hours later and could not get comfortable so went back to my chair about 2 a.m. before I cranked up the computer and read your fun blog, Suzy,

It wasn't too long before the weather alert radio warned of serious storms in RF at 3 a.m. that would last till 4:15. They also mentioned trees down there. I didn't need any encouragement to stay in my little nest. I know that the old oak by the front porch of the house is going to give up someday. There is also a large tree at the back corner of the living room on the bank that could crash, but I don't let them worry me. The following is a little squib copied from our weekly local paper's daily online entry. My lights blinked several times, but I didn't loose power, thank goodness. This was a paragraph from the article about it.

"Utility employees were up before the sun Tuesday, chasing power outages around River Falls. A snapped pole behind a residence off Sunset Lane darkened 40-50 homes. Street Department superintendent Terry Kusilek estimated the city lost 12 mature trees and lots of limbs and branches. The municipal composting site will remain open 'round the clock through the weekend to assist residents in cleaning up their yards."

I went back to bed about 4:30 a.m., and slept till 6:30 a.m. Needless to say, I had a couple of naps during the day.

We had one short storm today, but not serious enough noise to retreat to my little room. Somehow storms don't feel so formidable in the daytime, unless the sky gets very dark and the mammary clouds develop and the city sirens go off.

Ordered my FL calendar today. Tried to order the sink strainer to replace the worn out one. It was in the SHE section but when I tried to find it again I couldn't. Also, it looked as if you can only get it thru PayPal or by check or mail order. I don't like PayPal as it was a lot of trouble when I used it some time ago. I guess I will settle for a plain one from the store.

The moon was beautiful out the bedroom window when I went to bed in my bed. However, when I awoke a couple of hours later, it was cloudy, and with the storm that followed we were not able to see the eclipse. Last month we had a near record drought, then this month our recent storms have made this the 2nd most wet August on record. Weird.

I am looking forward to making that zucchini thing that you wrote about, Suzy. The only thing I would leave out would be the raisins. I like them but not in food especially cooked.

My appetite is improving. Tonight I had the rest of Sandy's thinly sliced roast pork, some more of the cucumbers a la Suzy/Pa, and some of my mixed greens from a plastic box with just a speck of Ranch Dressing from a jar. Of course, during the day, I have my Boost, V8, etc. Lately, I have been trying to increase the intake. Who knows, I might have to go back to getting weighed every day and worry about every added bite of food I eat like I used to do. I'm sure if I do gain it would all go to my pot.

Working toward an earlier bedtime tonight.


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