Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Progress comes slowly

30.VIII.07 - MoM

I got a little jolt when a local weatherman said yesterday, "Only 15 more days until the start of the possible snow season." Last night the temp was 45.7° and our high 72.9°. It was 28° in Embarrass Township, MN. That little place in northish MN consistently has the coldest temps in the state. Its population is about 600+. Once when we were in the area, DoD and I detoured through it. Happy to have the humidity down. As I always keep a glass of ice water beside me, I am constantly having to mop up around it, even with a cover around the glass. It gets so wet that it overflows the coaster with a rim so you can see why I appreciate the change, no matter how brief.

Again, I did my first thing in the morning routine (2nd day), then instead of reading the paper while my tea cooled, I finished working on the still cluttered end of the kitchen counter. I have to admit it took more than 15 minutes, but it was worth it. Until I get things back in better condition, I am not going to try to work on an area only strictly during the FL scheduled time. The kitchen is looking good again. I still need to work on the storage cabinets and utensil drawers -- they are all overflowing and overdue for a slimming down. I still need to oil my elephant skinned legs. My other small accomplishment was to get the few first of the month bills paid. Thank goodness, most of my regular bills are auto-pay.

I had the usual mostly liquid day and I guess I am going do a chicken pie, as it makes the least mess. Thanks a lot for the recipe. I am going to try it soon while I have a zucchini. The pine nuts and capers are enough to sell me. Just put the chick pie in the oven. That is my Q and D solution.
I had pie and one of Sandy's excellent frosted cupcakes. Made a nice dinner.

I made it to bed a little before 11 p.m., last night and decided to start in my bed. That was good for a couple of hours. Then it was back to my chair. After an hour, again, I slept well till 5 a.m. I was surprised to sleep again till 6 a.m. Unusual -- I haven't had an overwhelming urge to nap today but it is starting to happen now. Paige cleaned today, and as she had to haul canoes for a group to a ways down the Kinni, she was a little later getting started so that kept me awake during my usual sleepy time. Maybe I need someone where daily for that. She was disappointed that she missed us at Emma's. They are there almost every night -- they like to catch up on the day's gossip. The owner is a long time friend of theirs.

Sandy was across the river (Miss) today in Cottage Grove with the first of the student teachers for this semester. Since we are now only shopping and lunching every other week, she called to see if I needed anything before next week. I was down to a couple of Advils and an out of batteries. I was going to try to get by but since she offered to by them and drop them off, I was glad to have them. Walgreen's also had sink stoppers so I have one that works for now. I am still hoping to see why I can't get one thru FlyLady.


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