Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, August 31, 2007

The good weather continues to hold!

31.VIII.07 - MoM
Suzy: You may want to set your TIVO for Sept 28th, Today Show sometime after 8:30 a.m. Bruce and The band are going to make their first appearance on the show. Starting this month, they are adding a 4th hour to the show (a dumb idea, I think. Already I usually don't watch after 9.) More details as it gets closer.

Good blog, Sandy. Of course, it was interesting to me knowing the territory and knowing or having heard of a lot of the people. Also, enjoyed the temp readings. While I like the cold, I am not anxious to lose my deck plants this early. Surely can't complain about this summer -- I haven't had the AC on much this summer.

It was a beautiful day, but again I could not seem to get going. It was late again when I got to bed. After reading your "Joe" e-mail, Sandy, I had to see if I could find the "New Joe Special" recipe I have somewhere. I could not get to my cookbooks behind the TV in the living room, one of the drawbacks of my bad legs. Looking it up on the net of course, kept me up later with so many references.

My new sleep pattern now includes a good couple of hours interrupted with about an hour of wakefulness about 2 a.m. followed by another couple of hours of sleep. And, today was a sleepy day, again with naps, some even untimed.

I am really enjoying the birds. When I am in the kitchen or at my desk I get to see the ones at the feeders at the front of the house. I thought that the new feeding station in the patio that I an watch from my chair would cut down its traffic but I seem to have more at both than I remember. I have a couple of pots on my flowering deck that are supposed to attract hummingbirds and they have been living up to their reputation. The hummer feeder in the patio has a lot of action, too, even more than I have ever had before.

I am making some progress in my dinner eating. I was surprised at how much of what I thought was half of a chicken pie from yesterday that I had left for tonight. I also added a salad bowl of the baby leafy greens with a little dab of Ranch Dressing. And, I had the other cupcake. I think I am gradually stretching my stomach a little. (If I am gaining any, it looks as if all of it seems to be going there.) I should be able to get on the scales before too much longer.

Third day and counting on my morning routines. Still have a little scabbing on my face but this should help that, too.

Already sleepy again tonight!


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