Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, September 03, 2007

At last, a cool breeze -- no AC needed tonight!

3.IX.07 - MoM

After a pleasant start to the day, temperature wise, late this afternoon it turned warm -- currently 80° at 6 p.m. A couple of hours ago, I finally had to turn on the living room AC. One of the pluses of living alone, when I got the room cool and I could no longer stand the noise, I can shut it off for a little bit with the house open. I know it is considered wasteful but I don't do it often.

I just "did" dinner. I ate the other half of the Salisbury steak with the smidge of mushroom gravy, potatoes, green beans and carrot veggie, and the apple dessert. And, I added a plate of my sexy mixed greens with Ranch dressing with some added blue cheese. The rest of the day included the usual cookies, tea, and V8, Boost, orange juice and Meta. I am working at building up my appetite.

I am glad Labor Day is over. My usual TV programs were preempted with all sorts of things. I was even reduced to having CNN on this afternoon instead of MSNBC. At least HGTV is back to normal this evening.

Rosie Leonhard has a birthday next week. She never forgets to send me a note and card. I missed Toni's in June. I got a letter ready to go today. I should be able to get it into the mail tomorrow and get there by the 9th.

For some months I have been stacking up all my business papers on my desk to file. Today, I wanted to be sure that I hadn't received the first telephone bill for the new telephone that we need to get the phone refund. I still have to file them. With a deadline for the refund of the 12th, I hope the bill comes soon. At least, I got a good start on getting that put away.

When I went out to add water to the fountain late this afternoon, there was plenty but the "font" was not working. I got out a brush and "mop" and started working on it but still nothing. I finally put the hose nozzle with a heavy flow against the hole. It worked. I was evidently able to dislodge what ever was blocking it.

I have plenty of grills - a fancy combination smoker/BBQ -- very expensive, that I got lots of Christmases ago and used for a while in winter on the front porch; a large Weber kettle grill, and a little "Smoky Joe" and the little cutie we used in Saalfelden. For a while DoD used the large Weber a lot. I bought the "Smoky Joe" after DoD died but I hadn't used it. At last, it was when Chris and Kay were here in July and he grilled steaks.

Last night, I kept falling asleep long before I was ready for bed, but finally turned off the light and TV before 11 p.m. Slept till 2 a.m. Before I went back to sleep at 3, I read your blog, Suzy. I had my radio on, but no alarm so I was surprised that it was almost 7 a.m., when I woke up. I had no naps today, even though I had some sleepy spells. Now, as usual, even at 8:15 p.m., I can hardly keep my eyes open but will manage it somehow until I finish my Gin.


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