Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

King Hell Storm


Remember that out-of-the-blue thunderclap yesterday that sent the cat straight up? Turns out that one stopped the Gator game cold, with over 8 minutes still to play! I wondered at the time if they'd be able to continue playing with such violent lightning strikes so close.

But however scary that one was, it was nothing compared to the storm we had today! Bill had the local weather radar up on his phone-thing, and it was solid red and purple all over Gainesville-- most dramatic image I've ever seen for here. It went on for about 20 minutes non-stop. Reports of huge hail, frequent powerful lightning strikes, flash flooding, etc. Basic "take cover at once" warnings. If I'd been able to fit under the coffee table, I'd have been under there with the cat-- scary!

This delayed our shopping trip until very late. It was crowded but eerie at Publix-- only about 1/3 of their lights were working, and apparently everyone else had put off shopping until the storm had passed.

It was too late to do anything but something ready-to-cook, and Bill picked out salmon pinwheels with crab stuffing. And sushi, of course.

Have only the roughest food plan for the rest of the week. Finally decided to make the Beef Bouguignon that's in the latest Cuisine at Home (#65) for tomorrow. BB is a dish Bill particularly likes, and I haven't made it in an age. If the daily weather regime continues as it has the past two days, some stew-like stuff might be welcome.

Publix had some nice looking, basic Weber grills displayed out front for about $60. Had the weather been less Biblical at the moment, I might have been tempted. A majority of recipes I've been intrigued by lately just assume you can "fire up the grill" and go from there. This holiday is traditionally the end of grill season, but in Florida, it's just the beginning of the second, better season.

I finished Just Visiting today. Some wonderful fun stuff. I can see myself reading a few of these pieces at the next Library Read-a-Thon.

Congrats on five straight days of morning routines, Mom! That's an accomplishment to be proud of. Remember, you don't have to do anything else for another 23 days while this habit sinks in to be on the Official FL timetable: 28 days to form a habit.

I changed and laundered sheets, a weekly habit of long standing, and folded a load of Bill's big whites. The kitchen is clean and the sink shiny. Evening routines in hand. A good day.

I dreamed about programming again last night-- woke up mentally exhausted, from working so hard, mind still churning. Whenever I go into work and stop by Systems, if I see and talk to any of the programmers I know I'm in for a round of these dreams. Bill suggests I should download Visual Basic and undertake some little project, and I think he may be right. Some part of my brain is starving for that kind of stimulus, apparently. How odd.

Very interested in Marty's lunch for Wayne. What did she serve? And how exciting that Ben will start school the day after tomorrow! I'll bet he is just bouncing off the walls. Has Julia started school yet? Senior year of high school is such a kick in the head. The best and the worst of it.

Sandy, how was the pique-nique? I know you are frazzed with the Race Against Frost, plus a very busy school term starting, but any and all updates are appreciated.

Enough. Time to pour the last round and head back to Middle Earth. Need to check in with Frodo and Sam, last seen crossing the Great River.


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