Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

A Good but Sometimes Frustrating Day

5.IX.07 - MoM

Yes, I would love to have a copy of the shrimp dip recipe. I have a big back of potato chips just waiting to be dipped. I am surprised that I don't remember that taco party. Even if I make them from the recipe with the food stained page in the Sunset Cookbook, they don't taste quite the same as I remember them but they are still better than the ones from most restaurants. I was so thrilled in Europe when I found a packet of Old El Paso Taco seasoning when I couldn't even find chili pepper, but the cheer that went up went down when I found that it had been packaged in England and was sweet. Eventually, I found the necessaries for cooking American over there. We were forever checking the large "Lebensmittel" in the basements of department stores during our travels for familiar foods.

I too have been curious about Ben's first day. Haven't been in touch with Sandy to see if she has any info. I called Marty late yesterday afternoon, but she wasn't home yet. We did some reminiscing last Sunday at lunch about you girl's first few school days.

Mid-morning I heard a good crash -- I think a branch may have blown off the tree on the hill at the edge above and landed on the former sunroom roof. It was a little windy this morning. Mid-afternoon, I had to finally put on the AC for a couple of hours and it is pleasant (for me) in the living room with everything open. Even with the ceiling fan in my "office" the kitchen stays a little warm. I guess by the time I can walk well enough to get to the AC in my bedroom, it will be too late to need it. When I do try to sleep in my bed, I open the patio door. I doubt if I have left the AC on during the night more than a few nights since we moved here years ago.

Lately, I have been beset with a lot of little things giving up, such as the doorbell, the lamp (now fixed), etc. Today, I really felt tested. I was determined not to let it get to me enough to cry from frustration. One of the things happened when I was disposing of the 1" x 1" in squares of cantaloupe rind and the disposal quit. There was no unusual noise or nothing stuck in it as I could get down in and spin it. That left me with perhaps a blown fuse. That is always trouble for me. I have to get up on a step stool to reach it. It is a long, tall one with many switches but even though DoD had made a good chart, I still don't do well when I mess with them. So, I will freeze the little bits of grindable garbage in zip locks for the next pickup or until smarter people happen by who can check things further. I really don't have much of that kind of garbage.

It was only minutes later that I was pouring oil for the "salt bombs" into a measuring cup on my chopping block. I was using a glass one instead of the one you can read from looking down on it and I "over flowed" the cup all over the chopping block. Then, I added to the mess trying to pour the overflowing oil from the cup back into the bottle. I don't know why I didn't get a funnel from the nearby drawer. I finally got that mopped up with scads of paper towels. It was hot (I hadn't turned on the AC yet and beside it isn't that close to the kitchen) and I was tired, but I managed to keep my cool.

I pressed my luck and maneuvered a large awkward plastic sprinkling can with water out to the front porch using my old walker because it is lighter to lift down the step from the house to the porch. The hose out there is in the little garden across the drive so I had to bring water out of the house. I can't complain much about having to water it, however, as Ted has used that soil that stays wet almost forever. I love the special miniature bamboo that Ted planted there or me so much that I just have to keep it alive. Then, I hope I can keep it going over winter, probably inside.

The fall catalog season arrived with a bang today -- 12 of them. Gave them a quick skim and all but one are already in the recycle sack.

Tonight's dinner is going to be the fish/wild rice/veggie from yesterday's lunch. Had some of Ruth's good peach pie -- they sent me at least a quarter of a large one.

Got a start on the list of current things that need eating to put on the Fridge to remind me. I am using my new toy to make it. It is not the speediest way to do it, as sometimes it takes several tries to get it to understand my pronunciation, but I enjoy it.

I have started my 2nd week of the morning routine. And, I finally was able to get on the scale. (I can put full weight on my legs now.) I was pleased to see that I was 137 since I have been eating more the last couple of weeks. I would like to stay between 135 and 140. It is nice to not have to worry about every bite as I did for years when I was around 150-160+. I hated weighing more than DoD sometimes. Of course, my arms are scrawny because it all settles in my pot. And, it would be nice to have an appetite again and want to cook.

Got a kick out of "Dear Abby," and the 90 year old after 4 husbands looking for advice about finding another husband!


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