Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Pretty Good Sunday


Day of non-stop football and meta-football since I woke up until now. This wretched excess always happens at the start of the season. Various problems with the satellite and TiVo just added interest to the logistics of keeping track of the whole scene. Of course, it isn't quite over yet: Monday Night Football will be a double header-- one game at 7:00, another at 10:15.

Did not get it together to make shrimp dip, but did fry chicken. I used Sandy's hand-written recipe from 1973 (which she learned from Pa), but was rather unhappy with the already cut-up chicken I got from Publix-- the back was all one piece, the breast pieces were very uneven, and it all was messy with clumps of fat, which I didn't take time to properly trim. I used the large rectangular electric skillet, so there probably was insufficient butter/oil for that size surface. I did tend it faithfully, though, so it got deeply browned and pretty well cooked. There was lots of time to let it cool off, as Bill was engaged online until later than usual.

The string beans I hand-snapped were terrible-- had to cook them to death to make them any kind of tender-- guess they were too old. Made a tomato/cuke salad, and also put some leftover stuff on the table, kind of picnic-like. I was thinking the chicken was not all that great, but Bill pronounced it "well fried!" and "one of your better efforts." Oooookay. I'll take it.

Got the sheets changed and two loads of laundry done. Pretty good Sunday, all things considered.

Mom, I thought you knew anything in green in the blog is a live link! I hate to think how many things you've missed not knowing that-- sorry I didn't make it clear before! Glad you enjoyed the Johnston article. I tend to forget that everyone doesn't know as much as I do about her. I've read and re-read all the collected strips many times, and that includes all the biographical materials that come with the publications.

Hope you get some better sleep tonight. And I wish the same for myself. 2:00 AM - 10:00 AM seems to be my natural sleep cycle. The problem comes when RL demands things be done in this twilight zone they call "morning." None of those tomorrow, except for a desire to gopher Bill off to work. The least I can do.


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