Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, September 15, 2007



Great to hear from both Sandy and Mom from the road. Sounds like a swell trip down the Miss. Where exactly is Hwy 52, Sandy? The description of it reminded me of a road near La Crosse. One went up a steep twisty road to the top of the bluff that overlooks the town, then off on just such a ridge road with spectacular views. I was lucky enough to do this a couple of times on a motorcycle with a knowledgeable friend. Such beautiful country along the river.

I did some minimal Blessings today, after sleeping way too late-- floors and towels. Mostly piddled online, getting familar if not exactly friendly with Facebook. There's a "Library 2.0" initiative afoot that kind of forced me into paying more attention to it. This is a subset of "Web 2.0," meaning interactive stuff. Causing quite a schism in the Library world-- the Twopointopians vs the Olde Guarde. Not sure what I am. As usual.

Tonight I sat down to a brief session of my latest time-waster game, Bejeweled 2. I was hoping to break my previous high score, 29,000. THREE HOURS later, I hit 118,000! It was a relief to finally lose, as my head was aching, eyes burning and mouse hand starting to seize up. It's such a brainless game, but so addicting. I'm convinced that the ST:Next Gen episode "The Game" was an accurate prediction of it. Do not, whatever you do, download and play this stupid game! You will be sorry. You have been warned.



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