Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, September 15, 2007



Wow, you're not kidding about a full day, Mom. Lunch in the HyVee (not quite what you were expecting), getting to go into the old house (and meet a young man who loves it) and then getting to see Elizabeth too. Sounds like all bases were covered. You all are one spunky batch of cousins.

And you do indeed have the very best of tour guides. Or, as celebs call them now, "Tour Managers." Sandy, you could have a second career, you know. I'd hire you in a heartbeat, if I were going on a book tour -- ah, dream on...

The damage done by that blasted Bejeweled game last night continued: I could not fall asleep! Every time I closed my eyes I saw those sparkly gems dropping ever downward in random, pretty patterns... Finally went to bed at 4:30AM, but could not sleep. Dragged my sorry ass out of bed around 11, after less than 6 hours of sleep. Couldn't even nap this PM--- those frakkin' jewels still haunting my eyelids. Some hangover!

Today's game vs UT started at 3:30, so I made it my business to do the food shopping from 4 to 5:30. Roads were empty, and so was Publix, except for huge palettes of stuff in every aisle, for restocking the shelves. Still preferable to knots of oblivious kids clogging the aisles yakking on their cellphones.They were all at the game, yakking on their cellphones instead of watching football.

Watched various college games while fixing dinner-- I just put on ESPN and figure they'll show an interesting game and keep me updated on whatever else is happening. Dinner was a shrimp/ mushroom/ ginger stir-fry, fruit salad, sushi, and fresh from the bakery sunflower seed bread.

Since I knew Mom would be busy this afternoon, I called Thea. She wasn't hearing much I said, but she seemed in good spirits. Penny told me she was having a good day.

Still hotter'n' hooties down here on the sandbar, and it's the putative last week of summer. Well, not so hot actually (low 90's) but the humidity is killer since we've had some good rain recently. Impossible to draw a deep breath outside, and the trip across the blacktop parking lot of Publix is a safari requiring a hat and some sort of hydration system. Looking forward with longing to Sweatshirt Day -- loved hearing Sandy mention it recently!

Time for another assault on sleep. Enjoy your spectacular river view.


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