Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

"Stormy Weather"

20.07.07 - MoM

Looks like rock and roll time, again! Weather has been great all day, but storms are building up. So far, they are still a little north and west of us. I will keep my fingers crossed. Haven't started to move anything into my "nest" yet.

Dinner will be a reprise of last night -- nothing that needs heating. Pie will replace the excellent watermelon that I ate most of the rest of for breakfast. Just a little left for tomorrow. I am currently having a twinge of dizziness. That has slowed me down late this afternoon.

The glasses I had been looking at on Amazon are the ones you have, Suzy. I seldom have glass breakage problems, so since they have worked for you, I am going to order a couple after all. I want them for ice water and I am tired of having to continually mop up our coasters, although drier fall conditions are on the way, I hope.

For some reason, I had trouble sleeping last night. Finally, I got into a deep sleep at about 5 a.m., and could not believe it was 7:30 a.m., when I woke up. I haven't been setting an alarm to wake up early. That got me off to slow start. (There is the Pierce/St Croix watch and it lasts until 1 a.m., UGH! Winds of to 65 or more per hour. Already doing tree damage in Minnesota. I am beginning to hear distant thunder.)

I decided to start a little storm prep and the more I heard made me decide to do a real storm prep. Before long we were in a tornado warning and one was spotted "by a trained spotter" near River Falls. It was rather confusing as there were various watches and warnings on the weather radio for River Falls. We are still under a severe thunderstorm watch until 1 a.m. I have left the bare minimum in my "shelter," in case something develops from their watch.

I was so well prepared that I was able to take my cole slaw, pork and pie in with me and pass some of the time eating. I had just poured my evening drink after eating when it seemed to be okay to return to my chair. The warnings/watches for Spring Valley were just announced. They will probably ignore it, but there are two of them and they have a basement if it gets really bad. They have a hail warning, but her garden is done.

About the time our warning sirens were going off, my "Lifeline," (Rita) called to see that I was doing okay. I was unperturbed and calm and she was really nervous about it. She is about Sandy's age with a mother a couple of years older than I am, who is very frail, and a retired truck driver husband.

My upset stomach is better and I am actually awake enough write and hopefully proof a little, tonight. By the way, are you feeling better, I hope, Suzy?

Sandy just called to check on me, about 8:30 p.m.. They had some of the storm. The radio was calling for more of it in Elmwood and Plum City, a little south of them.


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