Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Is it too early for "Indian Summer?"

22.IX.07 - MoM

Will be interested in hearing how the 11 hour sleep pattern is working out. I used to do 10+ hours when I was working at BH Nite School. While you add hours, I have been going the other direction. I had my 15-minute nap this afternoon and some awake time during last night with a late to bed and early to rise (the Today Show starts here at 6 a.m., on Saturday) today. I expect to have no trouble sleeping, tonight. I am going to try to go to bed as soon as possible after I finish this and my drinks, that I am just starting, at a decent hour. What a long convoluted sentence that was. Too tired to reformulate it.

Don't know where to day went, but I did spend some time getting most of the family and friends vitals for the rest of this year and all of 2008 on my FL calendar. I had my usual call to Thea (she mentioned that you had called, Suzy) and for my tiny glitter parrot "hot spot" addition to the calendar, I finished unpacking my suitcase and putting all of it away. Then, I was able to make my bed.

I also called my sister this afternoon. She was quite interested to hear about the house and wants to make plans to make the trip to see it. I can tell, however, that she is continuing to lose ground. I called Barb so she could pass on to the others about the Iowa house, but she wasn't home. I don't have Kathy's phone number but could have found it, but by then I was tired. I might try tomorrow. After all, it was their doing that the place was finally sold.

While you are having that lousy weather in Florida, our temp here was barely in the 70's -- really perfect temp. Thea likes to keep up with the weather, but she hadn't heard today about the heavy snow in the Sierras. It is frustrating to her that she can't read the papers so they have stopped them and she said they hadn't had the TV on as it is almost impossible for her to see or hear it,

Tonight, I had the first chicken pie in quite a while. It tasted pretty good for a change. The peach pie was quite good with it. I am having my gin after and hope I can finish it before I fall asleep at the computer.

One of these days, I will get back to the daily notes from Saalfelden. When I stopped, it was during a not so happy a time, but now that I can look back on it, 'All's well that ends well' and it did.

Good night!


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