Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Double YAY


Happy Birthday, Chris! Hope you had a good one.

What a great day of football! I couldn't believe it-- both teams I supported not only won, but won decisively right out of the gate, and nice little subplots too-- the Bettis story especially. We are both happy football campers here.

I spent every spare moment dashing back to my computer to continue processing the scans. I got them all done! This is a big load off my mind, to have images from the collection (which is, after all, the point of the paper) accessible, and it was so much easier than I expected. Sandy, looks like you and I had similar breakthroughs on the AV front.

Did turkey cutlets in a piccata sort of thing for dinner (two thumbs up, one claw down) along with cauli-rice (enough processed for meals for the rest of the week) and a salad.

It's already very late, after midnight even by your time. Gotta get some shut-eye. The post-Iowa dirys will continue tomorrow, I hope.

Thanks for the comics comments, Mom. I wondered if you'd remember any of them. I may pick your brain later about Smilin' Jack-- all I remember is the name. It's too bad we didn't keep any of those comic pages from the Chronicle Lala saved for us. They'd be priceless now. Such thoughts are very anti-FL, I know-- and that is part of the problem I have with decluttering/flinging. Add 50 years, and at least some part of the junk is gold. The probem alway is, which part??


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