Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

We can do it! Cha! Cha! Cha!

How nice that my first scanning effort should be that one. I've moved the iMac downstairs and hooked it up to the printer (HP750) that recently I've only used for copying recipes. This meant a whole day of paper sorting, desk clearing, etc., but now it's done, and it works. I have to move files from the iMac to the laptop (iMac won't burn CDs), but this I can do on zip discs. Can't find the jump drive; I think I gave it to Marty. But this works just fine. The most wonderful part of it is that I can slide the image right out of the folder into PowerPoint with no messing around. I do my major editing in PhotoShop on the iMac, then I can move the finished image to the laptop. I'd email them, but the iMac is not online. No trouble, anyway, and it works! That's the main thing.

I have a huge stack of note slips (quarter sheets of paper) ready to organize and write up. I think I'm going to be able to pull this off.

Fun times yesterday. We went to the woods (a bright, sunny, cold day) and Charlie cut down three trees, which we will cut up and move into the woodshed at a later date. I hate tree-cutting-down, but it's exciting anyway. I'm always scared. Charlie moves very fast when a tree is coming down, just in case it's going to fall the wrong way. This doesn't happen often, and it didn't happen yesterday. I stay at an extremely respectful distance, but I love the visceral CRRAACK-CRASH-BOOM! of a big falling tree. What was nice yesterday is that it was beautiful in the woods, good snow, and I used my snowshoes for the first time this year. We left the truck at the gate and walked in, Charlie dragging the chain saw and cant hook and stuff on a toboggan. I've always wanted to snowshoe in the woods, but it's so far that I've always gotten tired before I got there. Charlie points out that if I did it regularly it would be no trouble, and he's right. It's the first hill to the south that's so tiring. While he was loading the truck I snowshoed most of the way back, and it was easy. Anyway, it was great to get fresh air.

Dinner last night, for the record, was the very last of the cabbage rolls we made a year and a half ago. Still very good, a nice fallback. Lunch today my favorite chicken recipe, done in herbs and butter (in the oven) with many cloves of garlic. I've put this very easy and wonderful recipe in these pages before. With that, mashed potatoes. I happened on that weird looking potato masher in the latest FC; it was on sale, so I bought it, and it works great. Also carrots, of which we still have a ton in the freezer. I bought a potato to bake the other day, since we no longer have any big russets, but otherwise, we are still pretty much living on our own vegetables.

Anyway, I must get back to football. Looks like the Steelers will win, which pleases me (uh oh, they've just given up a touchdown). Now if Seattle can win, I'll be most pleased.


At 12:27 AM, Blogger Suzy said...

Whoa! Thanks for the image of Terries and Fermies-- that's really sweet, and so appropos for today. OF COURSE you can pull this off, and you will have fun doing it, too.


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