Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, January 23, 2006

matitudinal musings

Thought of Chris on his birthday, too, forgot to mention it in my blog. Happy day-after-your-birthday, Chris!

Hey, Suze, I have some old Popular Comics books (most have the Terry and the Pirates cut out) that are all Sunday reprints, and some have Smilin' Jack in them. Maybe I'll scan some and send them on a disc. I don't dare mail comics after losing a bunch of Scrooges once. Do you like jpeg? That seems (on my system) to automatically take my scans to a reasonable size.

I'm glad we're both on the beam for our AV, too. I keep getting more ideas for the paper (now I'm thinking a lot about the ways Dorothy gets to Oz), which means I need to start writing.

This week and next I have nine brief visits to schools (just to introduce myself to the teacher and scope the place out), and then I don't have to do anything for three or four weeks, when I start observing. There are only a couple of students (on quarter-long placements) that I'll need to observe before Florida, so I'll have more time to work on this project. When I go for an introductory visit I'm there for twenty to thirty minutes. An observation visit can take three hours or more, and never takes less than two.

We, too, were delighted about the football outcomes. Looking forward to the Super Bowl, for a change. We favor Pittsburgh (slightly), but I suspect Seattle may win. We'll see.

I remember some of those strips, but Smilin' Jack (and Smokey Stover, of course) is what I remember most. And the ads! I think it would be very interesting to work on them. I remember the Postum ones, but can't seem to remember any others.

O.K., my Fosamax half hour is up. I've watered the plants and done some other puttering, and now I can have coffee!


At 10:16 PM, Blogger Suzy said...

Isn't it strange that "Terry" was apparently so obsessively clipped and collected? I suppose that is the norm, though, when it comes to strips. People cut out and save just their favorites. Which is what makes any long run of entire comic sections so rare, and those that do survive are hacked up.

At 9:28 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

I guess people realized how great the art was? Or do you think it was a guy thing? Terry is always the worst of these. Of course what makes long runs of comic sections so rare is that no one saved the damned things. It's getting pretty hard to find runs of newspapers, too, but don't get me started on that. Those people who sell you an "authentic newspaper from the day you were born" are selling library collections, many of which were microfilmed onto stuff that has now deteriorated and melted. Rant, rave.


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