Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Happy Birthday to Ya' (D)


Got some polishing done on the second draft, and it looks like it will fly. Big relief. Also did research to nail down some details I'd left for later-- good thing cuz Later is Now! In the course of doing that, I emailed the editor of Hogan's Alley about an article of his about Sunday comic strip ads. He replied with helpful info-- every once in awhile I just have to step back and marvel: ain't the 'Net grand?

Our cat is ailing. So sad to see her just sitting there, curled up in Bill's chair, not doing any of her usual stuff. We're keeping a close eye on her.

Yes, looks like the weather is going to be warm for your visit. Believe me, this is good news. We don't do well with winter cold here. Winter warm is glorious, though, so maybe you'll luck out. They are talking about highs of 80 this weekend, but who knows what it will be like by Tuesday. Glad I don't have to pack to come here!

But very glad that you two do, and very much looking forward to it.

Let the record show that I continued forming the Friday night habit of dealing with the floors and carpets, plus did a load of laundry, plus wrote a few bills. Good Suze.

Will post some comments on your blog tomorrow, Mom. Plus some about tonight's Diry entries. But meanwhile, happy birthday back in 1952. You would have been ... all of 35! :-)

Tuesday, October 7, 1952
281st Day--85 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we rode the bus to school because of Chior Practice. Thelma is having Faye join the Rainbow Girls' so that puts Pat & me back. We brought shorts for Gym again but we didn't take showers After Chior, I went to the soda shop & got a Stevensen button (Yay) Karen gave me a beautiful gray skirt.

[written above:] M O M M Y [and a smiling, shining, curly-headed face, over the top of which is written:] YAAY
Wednesday, October 8, 1952
282nd Day--84 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we rode as usual. I wrote a comp. called "Willie" my usual style. This time about a dinasaur (What next) We had cafe dutie. We did "Monkey Song" for Sandy's class. Pretty good. & What do ya think! Stupid got a new clairinete. Real Snaz!! The bathtub came We bought Mom Choc Cherries for her birthday. New bricks too on house. Suzy


At 11:36 PM, Blogger Suzy said...

Sorry about calling you "stupid," Sandy, but remember the times. Plus, I was jealous that you'd gotten a cool instrument, and I hadn't.

Ah yes, "The Monkey Song." Launched us on our career of pantomime glory.


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