Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Short (D)


Worked at home and got the second draft done on CAD. It's still pretty ragged, but coming along.

Waiting for the towels to finish drying. Got both bathrooms done. Believe me, there will be no crisis cleaning / dash-and-stash before your visit, Mom and Sandy. What you'll see is where we're at today. Not the best we've been, but still a whole lot better than when we started. I will try to get the Christmas stuff into the storeroom before then, though!

Very. Sleepy.

Sunday, October 5, 1952
279th Day--87 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we went to Sunday school. When we came home Joyce had us bring a lunch down. After much delay we made it. After lunch we indulged in a heavy game of Canasta. This lasted all afternoon. Lala & Fran came down. They watched us eat a delicious chicken dinner. Yum yum. Suzy

Monday, October 6, 1952
280th Day-- 86 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This mrning we rode our bikes to school. I went to Glee Club 1st period. Sharrie, ([illegible]) is going to sing the solo for "Dear sweet Little Jesus Boy" I got a 90% on My "Pres" test thats a 1. I went over to Pat's & Found myself having dinner with her. Then she came over and I taught her to play Canasta. She likes it real well. Suzy


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