Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Mostly Menu Mailer (D)


Never did get out to shop today (it was raining, which always dampens my enthusiasm for that particular activity). I did, however, get the Big Three done: swiffered floors, feather-dusted, and carpet-swept. I also did something I've been putting off for ages-- went through a huge stack of printed-out recipes-- mostly from the Menu Mailers, but some from Sandy and the Net as well. I tossed all the Menu Mailer ones unless they had a comment on them. This rediced the stack to about 1/3 of what it was, and leaves me with only things that were good enough to merit a comment. (Or bad enough, in a few cases). While I was doing that, I ripped about 10 recently acquired CD's into iTunes and then onto my iPod. Not a bad showing for a Saturday.

I have plenty of stuff in the freezer, so I picked out something from the recipe heap to cook-- a shrimp/mushroom skillet thing my annotation said we both loved. Was happy that Bill loved it again. Had frozen peas and bag salad with it. I did not clean out the fridge, though, which really needs to be done before I can cram anything new in there. I could probably eke out meals for the rest of the week on just what's in the freezer and the wilter, but would rather not.

Already thinking ahead about the week after. How much should we cook, how much go out? Will Sandy be traveling with her cutlery? Guess I should wait to hear what your plans are before getting into detailed logistics.

I can't remember the name of that school out on Miramonte either-- it was on an old estate. I know I've written about it before-- I was in 4th grade, and we were the "big kids." Our class room was in an out-building, probably servents quarters. Sandy, where did the 2nd grade meet? In the big house? And I DO remember those plaid dresses. I can't believe you made them, Mom-- they looked very professional and "store bought."

My bartending duties are calling.

Tuesday, September 16, 1952
260th Day--105 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we got up and rode to school. Virginia Goldsmith took over the lunch money. Gay & I had cafeteria duty this noon. This afternoon our boys decked out in their gym suits and took showers. When we got home we had to help dad wash & move the T.V. antena. Strange to say I'm still goofy over Dale R. Also Bill Williams. Suzy

Wednesday, September 17, 1952
261st Day--105 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we rode to school as usual. Harlow's aunt had triplets this morning. She already has a set of twins. This makes the grand total of 8 kids. The triplets were all boys. When we got home Sandy went to scouts. I took care of Chris. When Sandy came home we played with Pat. Mom & Dad were at a home show. We cooked dinner. "Flash Gorden" is on again so of corse I am on Buster Crabbe again. Suzy


At 10:36 PM, Blogger Suzy said...

"And did you work on your CAD paper today, Suzy?" No I did not. Only did some low level fretting.


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