Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Just for the Halibut (D)


I'm pretty sure I made some changes to last night's post after I'd backed it up. Oh well, whatever brilliant, deathless prose there was is now lost to the world, along with the world's cleverest title. Quelle dommage.

Hard to get out of bed when it's still raining, second straight day. It did finally clear up in the early afternoon and got very windy. I did a liquor run (rewarding myself with a grande cappuchino from Starbuck's, right next door to ABC) then the weekly food shop. The place was a zoo-- people stocking up for Super Sunday, I guess. It's always busy just before major religious holidays.

My plan to have several kinds of guacamole tomorrow has been thwarted by a lack of suitably ripe Haas avocados. Unless some miracle occurs overnight to the three I settled for, we will be having spinach and hot crab dips instead.

Tonight I made a sauteed fish thing (I used halibut) with a sweet and sour onion/parsley/mint sauce. It was quite delightful. I also recycled the cauliflower from earlier in the week (steamed whole, then topped with butter, mustard and grated cheese and baked for a bit) by cutting it up, topping with more cheese and broiling it briefly. Steamed some asparation to go with it. Good dinner.

Glad you are back into the FL groove too, Mom. It feels good. Realized tonight it's been over a month now that I've had the sink shined (and the kitchen clean-up that goes with it) every night. Have been better about my daily routines too, which makes mornings almost bearable.

Thanks for another of your interesting letters to Dan. It's the little details you throw in that turn out to be enlightening. I'm glad you saved them, and even gladder that you are sharing them with us now.

I am sorry to hear May Harrison died. I remembered her as a beautiful and sweet woman, from a single memory of visiting them in a small, spartan apartment, much like those Lee and I lived in when we were first married. The place was alight with love.

Blogger seems to be still having problems-- probably related to their auto-save function. I have an image to post, but I'll make a separate entry for it. Meanwhile, Da Kid speaks:

Thursday, September 4, 1952
248th Day--118 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning We woke up at 8:30 Karen & Diggie were still here. Chris was feeling sick last night. Helen came down with breakfast food. She stayes some time. Later we rode to the school (Cov) & then played Croquet at Joyces. Later Bren came down to our place & we played outside until 5:00. Suzy

Friday, September 5, 1952
249th Day--117 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning Mom & Dad went to the city to buy us some school clothes. We stayed with Chris. We did our work as usual & then I dragged out My Toni doll. I washed her hair & gave her a permanent. Then I watched T.V. When mom & dad came home we were thrilled. We each got a quilted skirt and a blous & tie & a corderoy suit & I got three thin strap slips. They are real nice. Suzy

This last entry calls forth a haiku of sorts:

Thin strap slips this Fall
The sound of childhood ending
Farewell, Toni dear


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