Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Young Love (D)


I was thinking about The Project even before I got out of bed this morning, and after a quick look at my online funnies while drinking coffee, I started working on it again. Bad craziness.

This made for a late start for everything else, and I didn't get out to do the shopping til after 2:00. Needed to do some plan B shopping for Bill's birthday, as the gods of mail order are not being kind. While at Best Buy I pounced on season one of Hill Street Blues (FINALLY!) and also season one of The Muppets Show, another all-time fave.

In B&N I picked two fabulous autobiographies: Bob Dylan's Chronicles, Volume One, and Tab Hunter Confidential, co-authored by my friend E.J. Both sucked me right in, but strangely, it is the Tab book I can't put down. It is so fascinating-- I know both Mom and Sandy will love it too. It'll be here when you visit, and you can decide who gets to read it first. Probably Mom, as Sandy will be in pre-presentation mode. I just realized that the last three books I've read and loved have been by E.J.! What luck to meet him when he was a kid standing in line for Bruce (Winterland, SF, 1978). As E.J. told his friends when we went for out sushi in Oakland last month, "I've known Suzy longer than I've known my wife." And they've been married 20 years.

Not much time to read though-- had to get dinner started. Made an old favorite, Unstuffed Cabbage, an easy and delicious low-carb glotch. After dinner, I headed back to the computer and put in another hour on the project (am now finished with the Gumps page from 1948) and then a bit more reading on Tab before arriving at last here in Bloggerville.

I know just how you feel about the backsliding, Mom. When I chide you (and I almost deleted this last one, as I know I sound like a broken record) I'm really chiding myself too-- I remember when I had 3/4 of the big room cleared out. It's down to just a half now, and that half is currently littered with Christmas detrius. The tree still up-- I've asked Bill once or twice, but don't want to nag. And besides, I should put the boxes of decorations out in the store room first, and then we can find room for the tree. Since it's so depressing to go in there, I avoid it, except to toss boxes from new mail orders. By the time you get here, we may not even be able step into it! This is the downside to having more space than you really need, and having a passionate interest that absorbs every bit of spare time.

Glad to hear your fish guy came and you have a new batch of finny friends. I hope this service works out, as it is such a neat idea. One of these days I will write about our fish tanks when Lee and I lived in NW Gainesville. Assuming I haven't done so already-- the blog has gotten so lenghty I can't remember which anecdotes I've already related.

Tuesday, August 26, 1952
239th Day--127 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning I had to clean up the kitchen while Sandy did the front room. Joyce came down & stayed until noon. Then mom took Sandy to the eye doctor & I did my room (a little) Then Brenda called saying she had moved into the den. Then she came down & we made blanched Almonds. Mom bought me sheet music to 'Blue Tango' [which I still have] One of the carpenters fell off the roof today. Suzy

Wednesday, August 27, 1952
240th Day--126 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning Mom told us what to do then she and Jeannette went in to San Mateo to have the new seat covers put on the car. I did the front room & Bath. The seat covers look 'real cool'. There is a roof on the den now. Pa & Dan came down tonite. Dan is fine. [She was very sick when we returned from the Iowa trip.] They brought us some grapes and Chris some puzzles & us maps. Suzy


At 9:26 AM, Blogger Marty said...

Suzy - this is weird - I was looking for an "unstuffed cabbage" recipe yesterday and could not find one that sounded any good. I ended up making something completely different, but I'm still craving cabbage rolls or something like it. Could you find some time to send me that recipe? (or post it.) We are trying to cut down on carbs so I need to change my weeknight dinner repertoire a bit. I do have a couple of low-carb cookbooks but none had a recipe like that. Thanks!


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