Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, January 27, 2006

On Our Own (D)


I completely forgot my resolution to do the main Blessings on Friday night until it was way too late. I came home and immediately continued working on The Project. It's in the obsession stage right now, and hard to tear away from. I'm still reading everything in the books I own or have checked out on Terry/Caniff/Wunder.

Most of the day had to be spent on the struggle to get my new work computer fully installed (good progress there). Managed to spend a couple of hours in Special Collections, and think I'm now through with the happy phase of diving into the primary sources. Good in terms of progress toward the first presentation, but sad because it is so gosh darn much fun! Once the UF Conf is done, I plan to go back and do something similar for 1952, and be able to do some comparisons for the April/Atlanta gig.

Enough. In other news, we were able to pick up Babe from the shop today (way across town) so we are a two-car family again. We are "expecting," though. Bill is still ruminating over what his next car will be.

And I am wondering what to do about his birthday Sunday. He doesn't even want to think about where he'd like to go out, or even IF he'd like to go out. Makes it very difficult to plan the weeks meals. I'd be more than happy to fix whatever he'd like at home, if only he'd tell me what he'd like.

Let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late.

Indeed it is. We had to be in by 8:30 this morning, and because of all the road construction, the fastest way to get to campus from here these days is to go downtown, the back up SW 2nd Ave. Which is crazy. If nothing else, the whole logistical nightmare of getting us both to work for our various obligations is enough to make me long for October 1.

I got a load of wash done, folded and put away (that's one load every day this week). The bed is made. The bathrooms are both nice (clean towels last night). This study is looking half decent. The desk is usable, bills are all paid. I'm trying to think about these things, instead of the things I didn't do.

Here's some Diry. I vividly remember timing the bike ride to Covington. Finally Sandy, Brenda, Joyce, Tricia and I were all going to the same school, and able to get there and back ON OUR OWN!

Saturday, August 23, 1952
236th Day--130 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we got up about 9:15. We went to the store for tea cakes for breakfast. We did our work.
[rest of page blank]

Sunday, August 24, 1952
237th Day--129 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we got up and did our work then we tried to have a club meeting but not enough could come. We had lunch with Joyce and went to see "Jumping Jacks" with Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis & Mona Freeman with "Outcast of the Islands" with Trevor Howard & 'Kerima'. When we came home the Bob Colgats were there. They went home late. Suzy

Monday, August 25th, 1952
236th Day--128 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning Helen came over with her Kids. They just got back from their trip. They had breakfast here. We managed to get out of our work to go down to Joyces for a wennie roast. We went to the Animal Shelter with 'em & There had Lemonades. Then we rode to Covington to time the ride!! 10 min. from Joyce's. I still am absolutely bats about Dale Robertson.


At 7:55 PM, Blogger Sandy said...

As I said, so many things started that year. I remember that one of the first entries in my diary then (which I probably kept only for a few weeks) was that Dad had given us our bicycle test and now we could ride on the streets. Smart idea he had about that. I hate seeing tiny kids on two-wheelers on the streets.

Anyway, now I know, since I'm moderating a blog for my students, that Suzy has the option of being notified when a comment comes in. Do you have it set that way, Suze? Five out of nine of my student teachers are already contributing to their blog, and I hope to have the rest in on it in the next few days.

At 8:36 PM, Blogger Suzy said...

Yes, I have it turned on. Usually I go to the blog to read the comments, though, so I have the context.

At 9:31 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

Yeah, so do I.


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