Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Super Aftermath


Of COURSE I had to stay up late and wallow in the Super Bowl Aftermath, then fall asleep on the couch. I never shoulda bragged about not missing a night of shining the sink-- I missed last night.

Speaking of the game, it wasn't bad as a Super Bowl, but pretty lame by normal standards. Some very bad calls, most of them against Seattle. Still, nice to see Bettis and company win it all. I thought the Stones were pretty awesome for a bunch of old farts nearly my age. Of course, they got bleeped: guess it's not "family friendly" to say "You make a dead man come" in front on 80 gazillion people.

Also lame were most of the ads. I liked the Bud horses, and the "V for Vendetta" trailer, and I thought Burger King's was hilarious. The rest were, "what were they thinking to spend all that money on THAT?"

Find it hard to believe that I spent about three hours just to make two dips and a pot of simple-minded chili. The dips were good-- I had one nearly viable avocado, so made the Mexican Spinach Dip with it (nice) and used the crab for "GD's Dip de Crab," an old fave from a friend at Hopkins, Ginny Drake. Dinner tonight was mostly a rerun, so I guess 3 hours isn't so bad for two meals.

Starting to panic about this paper. I am spending way too much time on cosmetic details that really. Don't. Matter. Need to keep reminding myself of this, and get to work on the substance of what I'm going to say. Whatever that is. I never know until I look at what I've gathered, and then I make up some story about it.

Looking forward to your visit! I could have told you that hotel reservations around here are very iffy, depending on local sports events. You will probably be happier out on the Archer Road exit than at the nearby Residence Inn due to all the road construction going on there. We are sort of trapped these days, as I'm sure I've mentioned. I know you'll have a good time with your friend in Jax, too.

Nice email from Mike Peak today. He asked to be remembered to you, Mom, as he felt like he knew you.

Let the record show that I changed the sheets this morning before work, changed and laundered towels and swished/swiped both bathrooms tonight, did a load of my whites and folded a load of Bill's. Good Suze.


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