Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

morning news

Yeah, I found the game itself lame but was happy with the outcome. We, too, thought the Stones were great. Most unusual for us to watch any half-time stuff. We loved the Whopper-ettes and were sorry that they didn't play that one again. I made chili dogs, something we never eat, but I'd found a good-sounding recipe in that little Life-imitation tabloid that comes with our Friday paper. They were quite good. Had mashed sage/cheese potatoes with them.

We are not out on Archer road, but somewhere just south of University, in the SE quadrant, I believe. I'll look it up again and tell you where it is.

Here's one nice thing. No one needs to meet us at the airport, since we'll have a car. We will work out all details nearer our arrival.

I, too, am in a big state of panic about the paper. I've got all my scans done (eighty of them, yes I know I need to cut back), and all of the introductory material written and about half of the scan-accompanying stuff. A couple of days of concentration should do it, I hope. Scans not yet in order. Worry, fret. I need to make at least three school visits next week, and Charlie has now decided that it's time to put up sheet rock on the kitchen ceiling which requires my help for fifteen minutes out of every hour. Hope I'm able to concentrate some during that. Used the time yesterday to finish and begin to organize the scans.

Mushroom chowder (out of the original Gourmet cookbook) for dinner last night, with a nice salad. We'd had more chili dogs for lunch, so I decided it was time to go for something with no meat.

Began this as a comment, but decided to make it a post. I've started a blog with my students, and that's taking up a lot of my blog-time, since I feel I need to post a comment every time they write.


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