Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Cooking up a storm

Hello all-
Cooking up a storm today! I made the edamame-corn chowder from the March Everyday Food for lunch. I loved it - Nate, not being a big soup fan , thought it was OK. If anyone else tries it, my recommendation is to use less broth (1.5 rather than 2 cups) and more potato. It was a little thin. But the flavor is nice and it's very easy. Our first experience with edamame - it will not be the last.

For dinner I am making a big pork roast rubbed with an olive-oil, butter, garlic, fresh rosemary and sage rub. LOTS of garlic. I'll roast some baby reds alongside it, and I'll serve it with braised red cabbage. Right now the wonderful smell of the pork roast is starting to fill the house. I started a batch of yogurt, too. I have been making my own yogurt for a few months now and I don't know if I can ever eat store-bought again.

I am also doing my and Ben's laundry, and have already mopped the kitchen floor and wiped the upstairs bathroom. All in all, a productive day.


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