Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

X Marks the Day (D)


Another of my seemingly lost days, where an idea sticks in my head in the morning, and I spend hours trying to chase down where that little string leads. Google was surprisingly unhelpful. Eventually got enough to satisfy my own curiosity and share it with someone who might be able to use it. (Note to self: this concerns "The Ripples.")

I'm about 300 emails behind on various email lists I try to follow. Moan groan. Spent my requisite 2 hours with My Box, and have now completely finished 1947, both strips and ads. Strips are done already for 1948, so just the ads to go. Could possibly finish it in a week.

Worked a bit more on the Library presentation-- it's almost all there. Have now numbered (and inevitably had to renumber) a print of the slides, and have started locating them in the script. Slowly. Coming. Together.

Got home very late. (My fault; failed to feel my cell vibrating in my pants pocket-- how can that be?) Would have stopped at Bahn Thai, except that I'd started some pork chops marinating last night and wanted to use them. I flew around the kitchen and got some cauliflower steamed, green beans blanched, and said chops broiled in 35 minutes flat! A minor miracle, and pretty good food, too, if I do say so myself. The marinade was lemon/ garlic/ tarragon, and was my-T-fine.

Work at home day tomorrow. Yippee! A chance to get my latest stuff into the database and finish the first draft of ... Library Thing.

And one of these days I need to get back to practicing reading that chapter of Coraline-- that's two weeks from today!

Thanks for the update, Sandy. Nice picture, to complete our Trifecta of the Great Blizzard of '06, and nice descriptions too. I can't believe you braved it all the way into the cities the next day-- you are certainly dedicated to those students of yours. I hope they appreciate it.

Ides of March, huh? Interesting.

Good for you, Mom, not waiting for a weekend or new month to jump back in wherever you are! That is one of FL's important messages--such a trap, and I think that's part of the reason you had so much trouble with your diets, as recorded in your Jottings-- you waited for those "landmark" days, and then declared diet amnesty on weekends, vacations, or any other disruption.

Easy to see in retrospect, of course-- and I certainly understand the mindset, as I do it myself all the time with all kinds of things. As always, when I seem to be lecturing you, I'm really talking to myself! Trying to break myself of the habit is hard, but worth the struggle, I think. Wear the shoes. At least start the routines every day. Starting is the hardest part. Don't I know it. That's why I start my blogs with the Diry!

Monday, November 3, 1952
308th Day--58 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
Well, its back to school again at recess, I cast my vote for none other than ADLAI E. STEVENSON! Yay! Robin Hill was visiting our class this morning. I got her new adress in Newport Beach. Now I can write to her. Mom & Dad went to see "High Noon" & "She's Working her Way thru College" tonight at the Cardinal. I'm for Adlai. Suzy

Tuesday, November 4, 1952
309th Day-- 57 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
Well, the new president has been elected. You guessed it by my sad tone of pencil. Yip, it's President Dwight D. Eisenhower. If you will turn to July 11, 1952, you will see the vulger words "I like Ike" (how could I) sprawled across the page. Oh Brother. I'm proud of Stevenson for his beautiful Consession speech & telegram. I'm still for Adlai anyway. Suzy


At 9:06 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

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At 9:07 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

" . . . like a little boy who's stubbed his toe in the dark; he's too old to cry, but it hurts too much to laugh."


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