Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Movie Nite (D)


Sorry bout the hiatus; Friday night I couldn't get into blogger at all, and last night I watched a movie: Walk the Line, but got a late start on it. I'm trying to make Saturday Movie Night just to force myself out of my monomaniacal focus on comics. The movie was pretty good, but not great-- something in Joaquin Phoenix's portrayal just did not convince me, and it dragged in spots. Reese Witherspoon, on the other hand, was just awesome. She deserved the Oscar for that one.

Bill reminds me I don't need to write a book-length post every night-- just a few paragraphs will do-- so maybe with that in mind I can regain the habit.

Got your note on the beautiful new stationery, Mom. Nice work! I don't know that piece of music at all, but Bill does. And thanks for the newspaper clipping of our hockey starlet.

I had to have Bill explain to me what you meant by "the arrow." Every time I watch him compute, or he watches me, I learn something new, so I know how you feel.

Cooking straight Leanne this week: burgers topped with peppers, mushrooms and onions last night, broiled shrimp scampi over Spanish Cauli-rice tonight.

I'm pretty much caught up with the blessings and laundry, which is good, but spent all the rest of my time reading or working on comics. Got the first issue of a subscription to Hogan's Alley, a perfectly splendid 'zine devoted to strips, mostly historical. It's full of revelations. I've ordered all the available back issues, and will need to read them all cover to cover.

Have about decided not to submit anything to ICAF (the major conference in Washington) this year; I just don't think I'll have anything good enough by October, even if I were to get something accepted. The proposal deadline is Wednesday, and I'm just not happy with the two I've come up with. Blowing it off takes some of the stress out of the present.

Hope you get your wished-for snow tonight.

Sunday, October 26, 1952
300th Day--66 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we didn't go to sunday school. We did a little big of our work & played with Brenda the rest of the afternoon. I got to light the first fire in the new fire place. When Pa & Day came I got a b. compact & B.S. Filly from Lala & A book of plays for teens, a writing book & a cologne stick. What a terrific birthday! (tom.) Suzy

* * * * * 13 yrs. * * * * *
* * Monday, October 27, 1952 * *
301st Day--65 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
Well, I'm 13 this morning.

[rest of page, and next day blank]

Wednesday, October 29, 1952
303rd Day--63 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning I rode my bike to school with Pat. Today was Achievement Test day. Oh Gorr. Nothing but tests all day. Tonite we went to the Rancho Shopping C. first birthday Party. I loaded up with Ice cream, Cotton Candy, Popcicles, balloons & cupcakes. We saw all the New doc & dentists joints. Pretty neat. Suzy


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