Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Late, Brief


After 1:00 AM here, so this will be brief. Thanks for keeping up with the Blog, Mom. It is interesting to read about the Iowa dreams, even if they didn't come true. And glad to hear that your morning routines are becoming routine again. A good step forward.

I woke up early, but Bill didn't-- a rare occurance. Since I knew there was no coffee waiting, there was little incentive to get up. Good thing I'd done the menu/shopping plan last night, which made it possible to get that done, despite the late start.

Tomorrow's plan is Blessings and Relaxation. And, if we're very very good-- Pre-Season Baseball on the telly tomorrow night! Life's little pleasures.

Back to the Diry tomorrow, I hope. Sorry to hear that the Mac doesn't understand formatting. In any case, there aren't too many diry entries left.

Sleep now.


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