Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Mr. X (D)


You've launched-- the Adventure Has Begun! Not that you're going to find anything all that adventurous down here on the sandbar. Weather prognosis looks good, though (knock knock). There will still be some azaleas, the red bud is out, dogwood should be along soon. And my valentine roses, despite the abuse they suffered, are still looking fabulous. (Those ProFlowers folks really know what they're doing.)

How fortuitous that you stumbled into a room upgrade right out of the gate! I'd say that bodes well for your travel arrangements.

We're really looking forward to your visit, and thank you for giving us the nudge to do at least a bit of decluttering. Bill is so pleased with the results of his that he says he wants to make a big push to get the paper clutter conquered. I say, right on. I'm more than ready to shred, recycle and dump.

Once you arrive at your hotel and call, I'll come there and you can follow me back to the house. After that, Sandy will know the way (it will all come back). We can figure out plans from there.

This has been a good distraction from pre-presentation nerves. I did read it aloud this morning (very badly) and will read it again tonight-- I find reading it slightly tipsy is good practice for dealing with mush-mouth jitters and going on.

Today was a holiday in civilized regions of this nation. But not in Swampland. Bill had to work, I'm taking vacation.

I made a Desperation Dinner (ie, from the book of that name) -- a very nice saute of pork tenderloin medallions, onion rings and a vinegar hot sauce. Roasted zucchini spears and grape tomatoes, plus some leftover veg too. I still have the fridge to purdge tomorrow morning-- I assure you, the science experiments in there now are not all that interesting.

If you are leaving at 7:00 and don't get here til 2:30, you must have a long layover in ATL. This is a Good Thing, trust me. Dashing through ATL when you arrive late, only to miss your plane, is NOT fun. Better to saunter the 2-3 miles between gates and be bored for awhile. I'll keep an eye on the flight data online. And you can call with any updates from your end.

Tomorrow! Oh Boy! :-)

Monday, October 13, 1952
287th Day--79 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning I stayed home from school 'cause I had a cold. I cleaned up my room & Sandy's mess too. Mom bought me a pomegranate for a good job. Scouts started today but I did not go. They put Redwood on the front of our house. Mom got a job in a Kid's wear store. They are sleeping out again. Suzy

[across top of page:] We need ADLAI Badlai
Tuesday, October 14, 1952

[nothing else written that day]

Wednesday, October 15, 1952
289th Day--77 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
Well I'm home again still with this awful cold of mine. Mom & Jeannette went into Palo Alto this afternoon. I sorted out the drawers. The're real nice now. Mom brought some chintz samples home. I fell in love with one called "American Beauty" Want it in Wall paper. Tasted Creme a Coco Lousy. I like White Rock Black Cherry better. Beany almost to Crum bum bay
[This must have been about "Time for Beany"] Suzy

And since it may be awhile until I next post a Diry, let me just give one little spoiler here. At the top of the next day's entry is this:

Hipp Hip Horay for Mr. X

Remember it, Sandy?


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