Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Read Baby Read (D)


How did it get so late again? Came home early pm to wait on plumbers who promised to be here 2:00-ish. That turned out to be 5:00. It took them all of 10 minutes to determine that it wasn't the plumbing but the dishwasher that has the problem. $59.00 please.

Worked at home yesterday, figuring out how to collect the data I need for the ad part of this two-headed project I've hatched. Couple of hours in Spec Coll on it this morning.

I signed up to read a chapter of Neil's Coraline at the Library's 4th annual Read-A-Thon at the end of the month. This is one of the best things the Library does-- out on the Plaza of the Americas, under a little canopy-- anyone who wants to reads for 10-15 minutes from a book they love. I always go out to hear at least some of them.

Bruce announced another off-beat record/tour. Hope I can squeeze at least one show into an already ridiculously full dance card for the next 8 months. As a retirement prolog, I seem to be planning to go out with a bang.

Let the record show it's summer here. The 80's. Humidity. Bugs. It's early March-- if this is spring, what kind of hell will summer bring?

Let the record further show that unwashed dishes are contintuing to stack up on the drainboard until we can find out what is ailing dear Mrs. Higgins. And that I did the meal planning/shopping list. And that I washed a load of sheets and another of dark clothes. Weekly blessings running a bit behind, though. Yeah, just a bit.

Thanks for the letters to Dan in 1981, Mom. It's interesting to read all the details about an Iowa dream, even it it didn't come true.

We'll all get back up to speed on our FL track eventually.

Saturday, October 18, 1952
AdLAI 292 Days--74 Days to Follow ADlAi

Dear Diary
This morning I did my work and then We got the WWW members together early and prepared for Patty Mersman's initiation. First she made herself a complete outfit [out of newspaper, I think] and then we cracked an egg over her head [as I remember it, she put on a swimming cap first] then We dressed her up in this outfit and a baggy dress, to long slip, our runny stockings, lipstick all over her face Went to J.C [?] We are having a skating party next friday Skate Haven. Oh boy what fun. Suzy

Sunday, October 19, 1952
293 Days--73 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
We didn't go to Sunday school today Pa & Dan came down. The windows are all in our house. Joyce gave us her permit slip to go to the party. She has a new English bike. Boy am I Jelouse. Daddy id going as our chaperone to Skate Haven. We had a Chinese dinner Boy was it good (Boy I must be boy crazy) Boy Suzy

Okay, I should have been formatting the diry this way all along-- the date headings were actually printed on the pages, centered. Woulda been a whole lot easier to separate my comments and decorations if I'd done this earlier. Sorry. More comments later.


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